Some of them are going to and will have some work to do to make this right. I expect that from them. Some sadly will drink whatever koolaid is passed around.
I think their personal sense of worth is tied to Trump. I don't get it. Never did. He's a sleazy game show host and a shitty businessman who has the kind of nasty charisma some people apparently really admire.
so many of them burned their bridges supporting him years ago. even if they suspect they made the wrong choice, it's such an integral part of their lives that they believe they have no choice but to continue, which makes them even angrier & more passionate. they don't make mistakes or apologize.
I think most no. But we are already seeing people regret their choices so it could happen. Right now farmers are sadly in the #FAFO stage and many are backtracking and saying they are off the Trump train. What we really need is the 93mill that didn’t vote to wake up and start paying attention!
I can agree with this to a point but even in countries with 100 percent state media, people seem to manage to find a way to think for themselves and protest. Maybe, it just has to get worse before it gets better.
The people you speak of want to know and think for themselves. The ones we are talking about have consistently proven for about a decade that they do not.
I think colored man is a little farther down the list. The top of the list right now is the trans community it seems. Though I don’t think colored will be far along. No racism intended.
It doesn't matter who, LBJ's point is still the same. Trump gives these people different groups to hate and gives them permission to be their worst selves. That is part of his hold over them.
Nope ...... well not until we get people who know how to get the messaging out.
If we don't revamp the way the DEMS do the work it's gonna be a long long long long time before we see any change.
This "well it's always been done like this" or " well they've been here for some long it's their turn
No., belief and identity are more powerful to the human psyche than logic or fact. For the more casual followers, unless they are unplugged from fake news sources, how would they know who to blame?
Agreed. The volume and intensity of a truth campaign would be staggering. Not impossible. But one hell of lift to get through to a majority of those folks.
So much to untangle first around mainstream media, education so they can critically think etc
Here’s the thing— that requires setting aside pride and accepting that you wasted years allowing yourself to be duped and used. Most people rather double down than admit their fault
They love trumps evil, lies and committing of crimes. They LOVE trump for being a rapist too. Trump/Musk are EXACTLY what every single person that voted Trump is, pos traitorous magats
I am extremely doubtful that MAGA as a whole will ever realize or care that the illegitimate Felon 47 lied and is stealing from them.
There will always be exceptions !!
Nope. They will drink the kool-aid until they are a diabetic; then they will buy overpriced meds to treat it - all the while telling Libtards how Trump is their Savior.
100% agree. I have tried having a fact based conversation with a MAGA cousin. He believes tRump is cleansing our corrupt government and is doing a great job. 🤦🏻♀️
Probably not, as long as Fox keeps feeding them canned applause instead of boos for their Fuhrer and the same news clips of deportations over n over again. They will probably just sit in the boiling pot as the world around them slowly disintegrates.
We have to regulate bs like Fox, the way we did before Reagan changed it all and hopefully even better. You can not blatantly LIE about NEWS. Full stop. And news should be licensed (and need a license) as news not as a constant line of opinion pieces; from any side!
I soooooo realize that regulating media is a slippery slope; it can backfire too! But we have to tackle hard problems with a cost benefit analysis eye and minds. It’s NOT WORKING the way it is in operation now!😳
To quote Robert Heinlein, "You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic." Or, to be more succinct, no.
they wont. they believe the billionaires that trump is working with are the good, the best billionaires. nothing elon has done in his entire lifetime is out of bounds for them.
and why you would think they would listen to you on which billionaires shouldn't be strung up is beyond me.
Voter suppression. A Black voter is 400% more likely to have mail in discarded. Somewhere like 11m affected with wrongful rejection, purges, and challenges. 30 states are jim crowing with voter vigilantes and barriers. Many schools dont provide resources to pre-registration. It's a whole thing.
Nice analogy. His explosion and meltdown are wreaking havoc in DC, while his contamination is spreading across the entire globe. But hardly anyone realizes what's happening until it's too late.
I live in deep red Trump country and that would actually be a red line.
1) He’ll never cross it cuz he’s not that stupid
2) He wants to use them to support his policy goals
3) No attempts at firearm confiscation in the US will ever be successful. There’s too many of them and we’ll resist with force!
He may not be that stupid, but someone else might! So what's going to do it? Granny losing her Medicaid and getting kicked out of nursing home? Insulin $300/vial? Cutting SS and SSDI? Cutting SSI so their kids lose services and $$? Inflation and rising interest rates? There has to be a limit.
I'm at the point of thinking that the crowd whose lives are defined by the 2nd amendment, will also find an excuse to freely give it away at his behest.
I don’t. I’m related to a couple of those people and live in a very red area of my state. There is a reason they list “God, Guns, and Trump” in that order. The 2ndA is sacrosanct and gun culture is like a second religion. If he came for either, they’d likely turn on him.
Maybe, but many have placed God/Trump as connected at the hip and as such, can’t openly question Him/Them. Plus, Trump supporters have a very annoying ability to explain away things that would’ve/should’ve caused them to turn away & I don’t think this will be any different.
Who? Muskrat? Billionaires in general? Capitalists? Workers have a lot of enemies, but POC, LGBT people, immigrants, and pregnant women are not among them.
Apparently a former friend posted, “I can’t wait until Trump and Musk take the $$ they find from fraud and waste and give it back to the American people - then people will shut up.” And a response, “yeah - the golden age of America.” She really thinks he’s going to make her rich, give her money. Ha!
Some might.
I think a more pressing question is this: are people willing to defend our Democracy with there lives as our forefathers did? We fought the Nazis before and we kicked their asses. We can do it again.
Def possible. I just think that is the "best" chance. There is a line, even for the CULT. As soon as FOTUS cut Medicaid for a few hours, they all went nuts. Of course they pretend it was no big deal after he folded. 🙄
LBJ called it 60+ years ago, and it's just as relevant today with maga:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
― Lyndon B. Johnson
Very few of them. You can't talk someone out of a cult. The best you can do is ask questions that make them think. However, this cult has demonstrated it prefers not to think, so it's an even bigger challenge. They have to come to it on their own to be able to leave the cult.
They didn’t learn anything from 2017-2021, even as he used them as puppets to attack the capitol on Jan. 6. Only when trump has hit them with the bus, and is backing it up in reverse over them will they finally realize he hates them because to him, they’re just a bunch of losers and suckers.
On the whole? No. There will be some people who come around but the psychological sink costs after over a decade in it at this point are way too severe for most.
I believe the only way this crisis gets fixed is if the MAGA cult and the left work together. Otherwise the left has to overcome both the MAGA cult and the MAGA government, which would mean street demonstrations turn into riots with the left getting the blame, MAGA politicians get re-elected, etc.
Some will. Many are so deep in it that they can't even imagine they're wrong. Just like the Germans who still rallied around Hitler while Berlin was surrounded by the Red Army.
LBJ's observation is as true as it ever was.
Still amazing that Caitlyn Jenner is exempt from maga hate, though.
That includes women and people of different races, colors, nations, religions, financial statuses, sexual orientations and gender identities.
In fact, anyone who isn't a greedy white male claiming to be Christian.
If we don't revamp the way the DEMS do the work it's gonna be a long long long long time before we see any change.
This "well it's always been done like this" or " well they've been here for some long it's their turn
While an actual rapist really is screwing them
Most of them are too far gone.
They'll believe that evidence has been fabricated while they believe baseless conspiracy theories to be fact.
Look at the root word - "real"
They don't trust what is real (truthful, proven, scientific), so they will never be able to "real"ize
They all look to others to do their thinking for them and just parrot what they're told.
If Trump's negligence with covid killing their family members didn't open their eyes, nothing will.
So much to untangle first around mainstream media, education so they can critically think etc
There are no quick, easy solutions. Sadly.
Is a dead, dismembered Nazi.
Go Team America!!!
There will always be exceptions !!
They are too far gone.
2 reasons.
I use the words stupid or dumb.
But regardless, they lack the mental ability to understand that trumps views/oligarchs are bad.
And the brainwashing is too overwhelming at them to get them to see facts or truth versus the lies and misinformation they hear 24/7.
So no.
If they do realize they will simply blame a Dem.
The news and also bots on social media should also not be allowed.
Putin’s troll farms led our young men astray via paid trolls acting as if just another American NRA enthusiast.
Then like you said license the news accordingly. You don’t get the lie as if a true news program.
If they are opinions they should have to state that.
1st A intact.
Do Not Hang:
• (who as of yet has expressed no gratitude--so noted)
• Bill Gates
• Warren Buffet
Who else should be added?!
and why you would think they would listen to you on which billionaires shouldn't be strung up is beyond me.
They enjoy watching everyone struggle, suffer, and die, even if they have to do so themselves.
"Sustainable income, healthecare and safety? Meh... not if Black people, libs and women get it too."
They are lost.
Some never will. I mean, some Nazis just moved and hid under rocks.
Until Trump.
Most won't.
No. Hopefully not all, but certainly most cult members will never come around.
Not as long as they are in the cult.
1) He’ll never cross it cuz he’s not that stupid
2) He wants to use them to support his policy goals
3) No attempts at firearm confiscation in the US will ever be successful. There’s too many of them and we’ll resist with force!
I think they're that far gone.
The people in the periphery of the cult? Tough sell. Beyond that? Some, perhaps many, will.
I think a more pressing question is this: are people willing to defend our Democracy with there lives as our forefathers did? We fought the Nazis before and we kicked their asses. We can do it again.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
― Lyndon B. Johnson
That's the only chance they may realize some stuff.
Some will never change.
That’s the entire purpose of the culture war: to keep them fighting a fight that keeps them from realizing their real enemies.
At this point “woke” is the new communism.
Meaningless in the US political landscape except as a Pavlovian bell for morons.
Single-wide folk need new info.
But I'll never have anything to do with them