I’m in this country illegally too. My family was brought here against their will and forced to do manual labor and were subjected to unspeakable cruelty for hundreds of years. Do I have to register?
In other news, they created a registry for all criminals to self-report. Failure to report yourself as a criminal will result in fines or prosecutions.
So let me get this straight: People who are trying to avoid interaction with govt in order to HIDE are going to sign up because theyre threatened with fines & deportation? Fines that wouldnt even be collectable if theyre deported? Help me make sense of this... 🤔
But by all means let the Tate brothers in. They have $$$ so that is all that matters. Being rapist, misogynistic human traffickers is on brand with our current government
Every single Republican in Congress approves of this offer of refuge to these poor human traffickers.
Hopefully, the poor, persecuted Tate brothers will find peace at Mara-lago, where, like Donald Trump and a whole host of stalwart GOP, they will be free from any accountability for their actions.
Is this bc they don’t know what country would take them? Like they just want to lock them up for slave labor? And how is this different than we might already do? Don’t we already document immigrants (legal and illegal) when we encounter them?
Such a list must include elmo who violated the terms of his student visa to stay in US illegally and then lied on his citizenship application to become a US "citizen" illegally.
It was just a matter of time - they’re molding their own SS/Gestopo out of what’s left of the FBI. Wanted to use Guantanamo Bay as their concentration camp.
idk i'm torn about this. on one hand yeah it's not good to create a registry of people, but on the other the law is the law and we need to hold our principles firm, no one is above the law.
Um. Don’t they register when they enter and claim asylum? If they snuck across, it’s because they don’t want to be listed. This sounds like make work for the Trump swampees.
That horrid woman is running commercials telling illegal immigrants to surrender now or face permanent expulsion. Can’’t wait for the day when we export this horrid administration to Guantanamo Bay.
Most are, but once the skinhead movement got to America, American idiots perverted it into Nazism. The original skinhead movement in Europe was about working class people, not Nazism and racism. America perverted it.
The deportation numbers are really low, not where dementia man promised they would be. So now they're trying this new tactic, get them to "register" so ICE can knock on their doors later and haul them away. Thus improving the deportation numbers and making MAGA morons happy.
So when is Musk going to be on the list? He was illegally in the US before he changed his citizenship. He is, therefore, still illegal because when he got that citizenship they did not realize he was an illegal immigrant and that would disqualify him. Let's see them pick him up!!!
The Constitution you knew died 1/6/2021.
The America you knew died 11/5/2024 when people refused to vote for Harris “in protest” & elected fascism by default.
They told us what their plan was.
They told us what they wanted.
Welcome to the reality of consequences for electing fascism
We warned you.
Hitler did the same thing to the Jews. Registration, not allowed to work or have businesses, the yellow star on their sleeves, round-ups, cattle car trips to gas chambers. Wonder how long it's going to take trump to get to that point AND WHETHER WE WILL LET HIM????
What an ugly person. I imagine future histories will talk about her like the present histories talk about the infamous women Nazi concentration camp guards known for their brutality and cruelty...if they talk about her at all.
First, the Registry; Second, the physical symbol (re: Star of David); Third, a new version of Krystal Nacht Fourth; ...let"s wake the feck up before we get to cattle cars and camps.
Great blog post. ‘KITN’ has been running through my head off and on for weeks since the election, as everyone was talking about obeying in advance. ‘F you, I won’t do what you tell me’ is the perfect response.
When you immigrate, you give your biometrics and all kinds of other info already. This seems superfluous? Also, would naturalized citizens also have to register for this?
MAGA already insists on calling those undocumented "illegals", believing being here is already a deportation worthy crime. Unlikely, with Trump's hostility, that anyone would come forward to be processed.
Does the requirement apply to missed court date asylum seekers and those overstaying visas?
If you don't self-report and tell us where you live so we can pick you up and deport you then we might pick you up and deport you... uhhh, if we can find you.
So you are telling me that if someone is here illegally they would actually sign up for the registry? This is the same dumb fuckery we had to deal with when Noem was our governor. Geez….
I’d make a sarcastic satirical comment that we’re only 1 step away from them have to wear a mark on their clothes like the Star of David but we actually fucking are one step away from this and it’s terrifying
What's the over/under on this registry getting leaked to the Proud Boys? Think it is more or less likely than giving the list of people who've changed their gender markers to the same groups?
all this is doing is trying to get a figure on how many are here illegally so they can start a naturalization process. if there are 1 million vs 30 million would determine the amount of resources needed to naturalize all of them.
You spelled "deport" or possibly "eradicate" wrong. No one in this administration is interested in giving citizenship to anyone who can't pay millions to do so.
Oh, I know a registry would be useful for that, but that isn't what it will be used for. They will use it for one or more of these 3 things:
1. forcibly deport all of them
2. leak the list to violent groups to eradicate them
3. use it to find them so they can imprison them in camps.
but so what's the solution then? i think that's my biggest hangup is that there hasn't been great solutions offered up on our end, and so it draws people to fascists because they have "solutions"
If they are already here illegally, what makes them think they are going to comply. I hope they can find a way to refuse to comply with this condescending Trumpian idiocy.
I feel like they want another excuse to profile people and stop anyone asking for the "proof" that they got registered already. Also, they want to terrorize people.
They posted this: "Once an alien has registered and appeared for fingerprinting (unless waived), DHS will issue evidence of registration, which aliens over the age of 18 must carry and keep in their possession at all times". Can you imagine?
It’s time to shake things up with a walkout of the State of the Union. If the Democrats just leave as he starts speaking, all the reporters will scramble out to interview them. A strong alternate news conference *during* the SOTU will leave Trump and the Rs spluttering. Chaos will reign!
Let me get this str8: this administration can’t find all these illegal migrants so they are asking illegal migrants to do it for them by giving their name and address? WTF?
“But failure to register would be considered a crime, and the administration has said its initial priority target for deportation is people who’ve committed crimes in the U.S.”
They want to increase the number of people who are *technically* criminals so that they can go after ordinary people and pretend that they are going after criminals. Because ordinary people are easier to catch than actual criminals.
They all look the same. They get surgery and fillers to have a particular look, and they wear the same hairstyle. I’m surprised Noem isn’t blonde like the rest of them.
The Trumification of Noem. Wonder who paid for all that face work so she could meet the Reality Gov that the Sexual Assaulter Convicted Felon requires. Maybe her “bestie” Lowendowski?
Aside from the obvious Nazi aspect, how many here illegally would put their names in this registry? It’s more performative MAGA GOP cult BS. So angry and disgusted-
The US democracy is going down, sadly. I suggest you all start moving your assets out of the US. I'm very suspicious of the silence from the DOJ. At some point indictments will be forthcoming. Look at why opposition always moves out of the country in other dictatorships. Greetings from the EU.
(This not apply to me personally but you nailed it 💔💙)
Tattoos on their arms???
This is horrific
Grind this economy to a halt, remove these people it can’t continue.
Hopefully, the poor, persecuted Tate brothers will find peace at Mara-lago, where, like Donald Trump and a whole host of stalwart GOP, they will be free from any accountability for their actions.
I’m starting a registry for all those who will be defendants at the new Nuremberg trials.
Are they going to force them to wear the special clothes? 🤔
I really hate my country right now because of Trump Regime! 🤬
FCK Trump
FCK Musk
FCK Trump voters
Definitely seen this one before…
MoonPie is an illegal immigrant and we need to send him back to S. Africa (since Canada "pulled" his Canadian passport).
The America you knew died 11/5/2024 when people refused to vote for Harris “in protest” & elected fascism by default.
They told us what their plan was.
They told us what they wanted.
Welcome to the reality of consequences for electing fascism
We warned you.
I'm a Dutchman, we've been there and done that, thank you Nazis
for example
Pmurt Dlanod
1100 South Ocean Boulevard
Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, FL
Just self report and we will sweep you up some time in the future!
Once captured, your destination will be a surprise!!
Will it be home, GITMO, or some country you’ve never heard of?
We don’t know!
Register today!
Can you please fill out this form and give me your current address? 😳🤣
Does the requirement apply to missed court date asylum seekers and those overstaying visas?
Jesus, these people are stupid.
1. forcibly deport all of them
2. leak the list to violent groups to eradicate them
3. use it to find them so they can imprison them in camps.
Welcome to 2025
Then maybe Democrats? But that'll be too big a population jump. Hmmmm.
Perhaps the other racial minority groups.
Don't answer that.
“But failure to register would be considered a crime, and the administration has said its initial priority target for deportation is people who’ve committed crimes in the U.S.”
Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Gone is the drive for solidarity of the USA with its allies.
Gone is the solidarity between the very rich, the rich, and the less fortunate
Gone is the hunger for solidarity between the different politics.
Thriving are the lies, anger, and nastiness.
"If you have broken the law and not been caught, please fill out this form to let us know you broke the law"
^^^ Like Elon being a "genius" for sending an email to ask for 5 things you did.... JFC
Brown Shirts or Resistance 🤷🙁🤦