If you haven’t yet, it’s time to ditch the Post. Unforgivable.
Reposted from
Josh Marshall
this appears to be the new regime oped page at wapo. WOW.
It should be ditched.
But I sure would be ditching if I hadn't already -- between the directive about "free market only" op eds, and then this ??? -- I'm speechless.
I also quit Amazon. Fuck off, Bezos. Not another penny from me.
Time to get rid of the wrecking crew and start rebuilding government of the people, by the people, for the people as intended.
WaPo is Faux News 2.0
Graham and Bradlee hustling right now for a wraith-fest!
I canceled my subscription last September.
There's only two words for those clowns and the second one is off!
These two needed ended with extreme prejudice.
We need to not only ditch WaPo but anything associated with Bezos.
Goodbye Prime.
The abuse by billionaires of American institutions is foul, disgusting, and sad.
Hit the disgusting oligarchs where they feel it the most!💰
Would they get the message if we unfollow all WaPo accounts?
99.9% of the commenters haven’t read a newspaper in their lives in the first place
Americans Becoming more ignorant than they already isn’t good.
90% of the commenters haven’t read a newspaper in their lives in the first place
did you read this article?
Think for yourself
I’m not saying they haven’t caved in, but they still do some good reporting. Becoming more ignorant than they already are isn’t good.
Cancelled my subscription last year.
Sept 2024. They are catering to
USA & Worldly
Authoritarian, Dictator, Oligarchs (including themselves). We need to fight for our Democracy
Who would have thought!!! “Democracy really does die in Darkness”! 😢
What was the front page article?
Read more not less
Don’t let Putin win
I’ll still read the front page.
1) softening up the headlines
2) allowing Republican maga opinion pieces
I’m taking the stance of sympathy as they are under fire. Like you said the tyrant calling them every day. Trying to appease Hitler.
May be afraid of lawsuits and license revoke ?
We have to support the media even harder and not let Vladimir Putin
I’ll still read the front page
That this WPO news will be on David Pac-Man democracy now and Midas touch. Lol
It’s wasn’t see why #Amazon ‘s logo is a little circumcised mushroom.
So this isn't really a sign of any policy change.
Not that I didn't cancel my WaPo sub months ago.
Shame the byline authors on social media. They know better, if this is the article they wrote, they deserve the negative feedback, if they claim their article was edited, they should have known in advance.
Maybe trump shouldn’t have lied and bullied Z in front of the world.
The audacity of the media in thinking other countries need to bow to trump. He has no power there, only in the US where the GOP give him power
Zelenskyy is a hero.
Trump is a zero.
Revive your street cred …
Or your paper is dead.
The truth is a must,
Or your paper goes bust.
The facts are the key
To keep the press free.
Keep up the good work;
Don’t cater to a jerk.
Remember: YOUR paper is an example for the nation.
Bezos doesn't care about the Washington Post other than as a way for him to manipulate our politics. His baby, and the source of the obscene wealth that enabled him to buy the Post, is Amazon.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Cancel Amazon!
They are owned by American Nazi Jeff Bezos!
As part of a multinational quaranteed peace plan, that would be noble. But risky.
Few can destroy like Putin and Trump.
Few can defend like Zelensky, with EU and USA alliance.
Been a trash rag for years
Philadelphia Inquirer?
The New Yorker?
The Atlantic?
Pro Publica?
The Guardian?
Looking for papers that still do investigative journalism on top of opinion to fill the former space of the NYT and Post.
And the AP is essential
Also love Truthout