Lots of people are posting this. But it’s common for one or both side sides to continue or even even escalate fighting after a cease-fire proposal, but before the cease-fire goes into effect.
At least we've finally reached the point where people stopped celebrating bogus ceasefire deals. Seeing idiots take Gaza aid/ceasefire promises at face value was driving me out of my mind.
You can't negotiate with terrorists. They see civility as a weakness.
Trump tells us that he has a good relationship with putler and that he will make the deal.
So let’s wait and see how that plays out.
My prediction - russia will not stop until it ruins itself.
Isn't the point of this (for Ukraine) that they can appear to be willing partners and paint Putin as the transgressor, since Trump seems to need convincing? I mean, sure, if Putin paused and everyone went to the table then it'd be tricky to come up with a solid peace plan. But.
There should be a punitive charge (in millions to billions of dollars) on the Trump Administration every time claims to have negotiated something binding with Russia, and then Russia breaks it next-day.
Most of us expected that. The real value here is that the blame for the war continuing has been shifted back where it belongs, on Russia, and that Trump has been maneuvered into resuming military aid to Ukraine.
Makes me sad no one can better trumps sucky ceasefire commands. Thought France had some intel that they could use? Trump is going to burn Ukraine bad and it’s heartbreaking.
Just chck with the most lib of MSM. Regret.
1st story: Ukraine has agreed to a 30 D cease fire, it's in Russia's hand now." NOW???? When was it ever NOT in Russia hands??? When did Ukraine ever want a start-fukin-fire? And this is liberal media?? Hand me a maypole i need a seat!!
I heard a Russian on BBC this morning going on and on, fearing not trusting, and accusing Ukraine of all the things that those of us in the real world say about Putin.
Just like they taught Trump to do...
This is proof positive that Putin is, and always has been, the aggressor.
Zelenskyy wants peace. Putin wants a sovereign land.
You can't negotiate with terrorists. They see civility as a weakness.
So let’s wait and see how that plays out.
My prediction - russia will not stop until it ruins itself.
The sad thing is western media will name and normalize any of the above with a straight face.
Except of course, mother 🇷🇺
Bc they sure as hell don’t want his sorry ass back
1st story: Ukraine has agreed to a 30 D cease fire, it's in Russia's hand now." NOW???? When was it ever NOT in Russia hands??? When did Ukraine ever want a start-fukin-fire? And this is liberal media?? Hand me a maypole i need a seat!!
Just like they taught Trump to do...