That thing you were planning on getting for what’s-their-face? Don’t. They’ve already got one. And they didn’t even particularly like it in the first place.
What they REALLY wanted, was one of THESE-
What they REALLY wanted, was one of THESE-
I remember a while back you'd mentioned you were considering it but it was early days.
And yes, I know it's sacrilege...
Really like Paolo's work as well so more to look forward to
I’d love you to make that movie.
If they wanted it & couldn't afford it: they bought a cheaper version or decided they didn't wany it.
If they don't want it ...
You're buying someone something they've already decided they don't want or they can do without.
& if anyone in the UK is after an unopened large format collectors edition + extras (from the crowdfunding campaign) I have one here...
Looking forward to reading it!