Based on the rainbow of debris I think that it is obvious it was shot down by #GayJewishSpaceLasers. Someone needs to notify #NefariousMJT straightaway.
Pictures of that brought back some PTSD remembering the shuttle breaking up over Texas. I’m kind of sad that I know what the atmospheric breakup of space debris looks like when it happens.
He literally X planed
"Well Rodney
You see
Big 🚀 = Big friction on 🌍 reentry = big chance 🚀🔥 & 💥
Elon Musk Ego make bigger 🚀 = bigger friction on 🌍 reentry = bigger chance 🚀🔥💥🎇"
"Genius Rodney shear Genius"
"Hold on a minute..."
No shit 😒
For a long time in our geek/superhero Venn Diagram community, many heralded Elon Hubbard as the real life Tony Stark.
For damn near the last decade?
1000 percent these vibes:
Because that tosser deserves some penalty.