Pandering... and enabling a conversation that should call in to (further) question the cognitive acuity of the person proposing the aforementioned acquisitions.
- Apparently as a number of ‘journalistic’ news organizations are doing — They’re capitulating in advance to the incoming oligarchical, authoritarian regime because they value stature, power and/or money more than American democracy — Self interests over country…
And if you have seen those glaciers melting in Greenland, gushing wiht fresh water, you would not have to hallucinate too much to think we could build out a transfer system from there to the West
What’s ironic, and almost Simpsons-like, this comic book foresaw the US vs Latin America fighting over “The Zone/#Panama Canal”. The war ended in 2031, the US lost and the White House went to mars.
(Of course the Jeopardy theme is playing in the background)