First and foremost, an incredible THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Stand Up for Science—whether you attended our events, donated, shared, or volunteered. We are so humbled by how many people showed up to support us & all of the passion that people brought with them.
We’ve got ideas, but we want to hear from you. What’s worrying you most? What should we do next? How can we grow this movement together?
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Keep the pilot light lit and dispersed widely.
—multiple shared data & paper backups
—mentor more next generation scholars
—collaborate with international researchers
I paraphrase
Congress can hold hearings
Congress works by committee
The Chairs rule the committees
In the senate, the two relevant chairs are Sens Crapo of Idaho and Sen Cassady of Louisiana
Therefore, if you know anyone in Idaho or Louisiana, call them
I have no other good ideas
Be prepared with good stories (not "facts") when a family member or friend asks you, ie this person was saved from cancer by a drug that was the result of 15 years of basic research; I doubt the 1$ NIH dollar = $2.50 return
Send money to the Democrat running for a seat on the Wisc supreme court
why ?
if the republican wins, they GOP will just steal the election in 2026 and 2028 and our task will be harder