An oligarchy run by an authoritarian Gov’t doesn’t serve YOUR wellbeing-
family, finances, or health.
We’ve seen this around the world. The oligarchs take for themselves while the people suffer in poverty.
They protect their own, not us.
Now welcomed to America by the ignorant and foolish.
family, finances, or health.
We’ve seen this around the world. The oligarchs take for themselves while the people suffer in poverty.
They protect their own, not us.
Now welcomed to America by the ignorant and foolish.
And happy birthday 🎂
I made got a gooey messy chocolate cake that's delicious. I'll put a candle on a piece for you!
Please enjoy the cake, Melody!
They deserve to be on the oligarchy list, the corporations and institutions they control are horrible for society and the environment.
Greed and power, stark and darkly,
Crushing democracy.
Make Your Voice Heard!
Fight to Save Democracy!
Gates and Buffet are donating the bulk of their wealth back to the world. Would challenge other Billionaires to do the same.
“ordinary people”.
When I see billionaires, I think depravity debauchery and psychopathy.
"IIronically, at the cellular level, it is this pattern that creates cancer. Needs are met but the cells do not recognize the signal that says stop or go. They divide without control."
The election was hacked
Here is the press release. share this widely. To local, state and national media, online, friends, family and networks. It’s a thorough and clear presentation of the issue
You would be destitute without us!
China-citizens are poor but Xi lives in luxury.
Syria-citizens are poor&food unstable. Now we’ve seen the luxury Assad’s been living in.
North Korea-citizens are poor but Kim Jung Un lives in wealth…
Now, less than 1/2 of American voters elected tfg as president, all while *He Told Us* exactly what he planned to do—Project 2025. If implemented,…
#WeMustResist &defend our democracy!We have 4yrs of tfg.It’s gonna be a long slog,but it must be done.We Do Not want to turn into ‘Russia Lite’!<>
1. Numero Uno,
2 $$$$
Our country is just a commodity, if given the choice they sell it out.
OH! That’s right!! They bought it & sold it on Nov 5th & on 1/20/2025, the transaction is completed with a meaningless oath.