The Democratic Party risks failure with Chuck Schumer leading. His outdated approach alienates progressives, stifles bold reform & struggles against GOP tactics.
In a polarized era, his approach fails to counter 🟠's dominant, dark influence.
He must step down.
We are the Democrats.
The Reformers
In a polarized era, his approach fails to counter 🟠's dominant, dark influence.
He must step down.
We are the Democrats.
The Reformers
No more, no more, no more, no more🎶
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC
7pm Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM”
Schumer is right about the courts.
Lay off Schumer and focus on the REAL ENEMY... Trump.
Shutting down the government would be on Trump
More people would be enraged
The stock market would collapse even more
The ball would go back to Congress
And if people aren't already enraged, they never will be. Harming the poor won't help
Trump does not write Bills
One thing I know for 100% sure, is that Trump LOVES every second that the people are fighting Schumer instead of him and his little dick-tators.
The Courts are going to order them to appear in court to face contempt charges
They will not go
The court will order law enforcement to bring them in
History will happen
Share & add your name below to one-click email EVERY U.S. Senator to tell them we demand CHANGE!
#Resist #Democrats #TrueBlue #BlueCrew #Indivisible #UnitedBlueStormArmy #ProudBlue
How’d I do?
”In the 2024 election we told you that democracy was on the ballot. THIS is what we meant”
It’s already failed because of him.
When it comes to his leadership he has 2 speeds: stop and reverse. He's stuck in the 50s and I doubt he could ever catch up with the times!
Help out with the special elections (where a Democrat will make a big difference), 2026 midterms, and 2028 flip the congress!
He is a hipocryite and needs to be removed ASAP!