Sophie 'three universities' Corcoran (working class girl from Essex as she often likes to remind us) has written an article for the Daily Expired that is so filled with ridiculous hyperbolic claims, it could have been written by a not very bright child. I’ve been through it so you don't have to .. 🧵
when that happened Sophie defended her,
called anyone who questioned it[or accused her of lying]...
"a misogynist"
she was banging on about migrants and i told her she was a "migrant"[an economic one],
she did not like that!
Sophie fascinates & irritates me in equal measures, and I don’t know why…
However, it seems no barrier to progression as demonstrated by Anderson, Farage and Drumpf.
Sad indictment on people who believe this crap.
It's Soph, so it *was* written by a not very bright child 🤭