"Bird flu in Canada may have mutated to become more transmissible to humans"
Tick tick tock tock
Tick tick tock tock
I think people who said the precautions we took in 2020 were more harmful than good may get a look at what happens when we don't take precautions during a pandemic.
We shouldn't live on hopium that things will be fine, but with all the politics...
It *did* mutate to become more transmissible to humans.
It absolutely motherfucking did.
- masking (N95 best; KN95 fine & fitted surgical masks ok)
- protect eyes
- wash hands often return home, prep food, taking in food/mail
- remove outside shoes; spray bottoms with 70% alcohol
- HOCL is sanitizer safe for babies & pets. Use on pet paws returning from outside/1
- no raw dairy milk, esp cow, esp in U.S. & CA, ultra pasteurized best
- only well cooked meat & poultry & eggs, no runny eggs . No red meat. Temperature charts can be found. /2
There are more cases in the USA. With the incoming gov't they won't give it the attention needed. If it does start going human to human we will find out the hard way.
As I read about the BC teen in the ICU, I saw…
- Countless ppl hacking up their lungs
- Maskless staff in the ER (during a mask mandate🥴)
- Maskless patients eating & drinking
- Maskless Children
Total obliviousness.
The world is not ready for what’s next.
Even then, masks can only be “strongly encouraged” because the freedom of comfort is more important than the freedom of health. 🥴
When do you think they’ll offer us vaccines?
Not anytime soon. 🙄
😷 #MaskUp
(Mutuals on the bad place)