They don't care about people with addiction to meds that leads to seeking alternative sources after they made it borderline impossible for anyone in actual pain to get said legal/safe medications. It's already really bad.
Just another way to reduce population and free up money for rfk and oligarchs all over the world. Ppl need to stop focusing on the US and start looking at their own precarious freedom. This is a global purge endorsed by all nations when they realize what a gift horse Covid is for tfeir portfolios.
Yeah no kidding. It's taking all my energy to not fall into an anxiety doom spiral over what may happen to further development of covid vaccines & treatments, not to mention overall health care access
I am concerned that he will promote treatment for it by a drug that doesn’t work but he makes money on it somehow. I’m concerned that he will stop all funding for vaccines and promote ivermectin (that doesn’t work). I’m concerned that he will somehow get fluoride removed from water supply….
TIL ... percs have had market displacement. Maybe? In the US, I see a bunch of press from 2022, then a dropoff. Chasing toddler, finding stats not on the agenda rn.
No, but that's because I'm too busy being worried about his impact on ongoing disasters and overall health (and also I'm hearing of nitazene for the first time).
But specifically the H5N1 showing up more rapidly in California and nobody seems to care‽!
US never sees a health issue where instead it can see a way to expand the prisons.
Naloxone is almost as contentious as women's autonomy.
Meanwhile, the current CDC is pretty much mum except to say we should all wear an N95, goggles, and rubber gloves to prep or Thanksgiving turkeys,
I'm debating whether I should throw out the bird I bought & just plan on frozen pizza this year.
Millions of birds are being culled every week, and the people doing that culling account for majority human cases, so far.
Maybe go with ham this year, before H5N1 spreads thru the swine population.