I want to try to spend one unit of astonishment on the whole day’s package of horrors, and spend the rest on birds, things children say, lines I read, bold acts of others, etc.
For me, it's the realization that on a global level, it no longer matters who I am or what I personally believe is right. As of yesterday, on a global level, we simply aren't the good guys anymore. We aren't fighting for the rights of the people.
So true. I sent this screenshot to my friend who—in recovery for 30 some years—drinks Orange Fanta as his go to. Some triple decker-y good feels. Anyway, Cathedrals Everywhere.
There is only so much life any of us have in a day. None of us should spend it all on The Horrors. It's like drinking poison and waiting for your enemies to die. Live well - it'll drive 'em nuts.
Yesterday, I felt ashamed.