When Feathers was escaping on the train the sign going into the tunnel said "LANCASHIRE BORDER KEEP OUT" and the other side said "YORKSHIRE BORDER NO YOU KEEP OUT" 🤣🤣🤣
W & G: The inaccurate signalling ruined it for me. Appears to be a Western Region lower quadrant but incorrectly positioned into the upper quadrant off position
I think that there are so many references to other films, with Gromit and his gnome tracker (Aliens) to the boat balancing on the aquaduct (The italian job) the hacking sequence (Jurassic park). It really is a tour de force. Certainly the best W&G … so far!
My favourite bit was Wallace yet again not recognising Feathers until he took his “disguise” off - “It’s you!” and Gromit’s eye rolling reaction to that!!
Madame Butter Pies being my favourite. 👏👏👏
Given how much of MI:DR was spoofed, I don't think this is a coincidence.
“Yorkshire Border - Keep Out”
and on the other side
“Lancashire Border - No You Keep Out”