Disgraced magical athlete w/gambling debt takes a job in a distant city as a rune-skating public servant in the climate control dept. to hide from his creditors, where he meets a half-immigrant university research faculty who is trying to live up to his father's legacy & help his mother's country
Researcher = Tobi, a short, stout man with little glasses who always seems to have a ruler, a compass, and a marker to draw on the ice. Logical to a fault.
Athlete = Jeseph, a tall and lean disaster twink with self-absorbed tendencies, recovering from the crash and burn of ambition gone awry
The setting is post-industrial magic punk, with hints that the world beyond the arctic circle where magic doesn't flourish as freely hasn't quite caught up to their advances without access to magic runes to rely on.
Athlete = Jeseph, a tall and lean disaster twink with self-absorbed tendencies, recovering from the crash and burn of ambition gone awry