Not really a destination spot, but when I visited my college town of Columbia, MO (Mizzou grad here) for work I had some time to get some runs in at a park. I loved returning to one of my favorite towns after I discovered running #RunChat
A3: I like to run when we travel on vacations. We went to Redondo Beach one time and an early morning run up the beach was excellent! I went Hermosa, Manhattan, and Bruce’s beaches before I turned to go back. It was a good morning!
Virginia Beach was actually pretty cool, downtown Norfolk on the river is supposed to be a nice trail. Of course DC. And San Diego was a little too hilly for me lol. #runchat
New York. Take the 1 up to 110th/Broadway, walk over to the Hudson River Greenway and run all the way down along the water to Battery Park. Plenty of public water/bathroom stops. Beautiful and mostly flat/downhill.
It’s a famous 5k look that many people run all the time. It’s in the middle of Tokyo but a lot of the route is kind of like a park so it would be similar to running around Central Park in NYC…if Central Park had a moat around it and a palace for the emperor in the middle of it 😂
A3: It may not be a destination spot for many folks, but Cincinnati, OH, has some great running paths that take you over to Kentucky. The sunrises there in June are fantastic! #RunChat
A3: Santa Cruz! I was lucky enough to live there during grad school, and running along West Cliff overlooking the ocean is my favorite place on Earth to run! #runchat