China’s solar panel makers just formed the OPEC of renewable energy.
The biggest manufacturers of solar equipment have essentially formed a cartel and have agreed to production quotas next year in response to soaring supplies that have destroyed profits
The biggest manufacturers of solar equipment have essentially formed a cartel and have agreed to production quotas next year in response to soaring supplies that have destroyed profits
In 2024, China's investment is up 40% YoY
For the moment, won't China just increase self-consumption (like they did with EVs?)
"Solar cartel reminiscent of OPEC" sounds bullish af.
KraneShares clean china etf saying more "gtfo before 26.2x"
Respectfully disagree. It was mismanaged on purpose.
I gave presentations at meetings in support of the GND and marched for it. If I could have gotten better, I’d be upset. But I am grateful we managed something.
There will always be a Joe Manchin in the Democratic Party. We must build dual power outside of Ds and Rs.
[looks at president-elect]
Oops. Well, even so, maybe.
> Prices have flattened since 2019, suggesting efforts to work together to stabilize prices
> Prices are approaching zero per watt - they can't get much lower
The PV product cycle and its production processes will be increasingly able to be replicable, reusable and automatable everywhere.
That "OPVEC" will not have such a market power, just in short term.