I woke up in the night thinking about this & will forget if I don't wing it into the universe right now, so...
what are some etiquette tips you'd give to someone new to fandom spaces?
what are some etiquette tips you'd give to someone new to fandom spaces?
"Demographics are for Marketers. Love what you love!"
"It's OK for others to not like something you like. It's OK for others to like something you don't like."
--Serinthia Kelberry, 2022
Fandom characters do not belong to the fans, they are someone else's OCs
In Fandom we get to use art for its true end: pure exploration & curiosity.
Fandom begins with "what if?" And ends when "only one idea" is allowed.
- What fiction you write, read, enjoy or draw doesn't make you evil or unworthy of respect. Same applies to others.
- If you don't see what writing or art you're after, give it a go yourself! There's usually at least one other person out there w likewise tastes you could meet by making and sharing niche stuff, too. ;p
Also, length does not necessarily indicate quality. Enjoy short fics too!
- learn the difference between 'not to my taste' and 'bad'
- see video below.
Also, just scroll past things that are tagged with something you don't like. Make good use of the AO3 filters.
Fandom is a community, and it's built by making connections with people.
took me a while to find my little niches, but it was worth the trek!
Ship whatever you like, not just what might be made canon.
Don't make your ship your entire identity, especially not if you're going to hinge your personal validation on a canonical romantic ending.
DO NOT harass creators or fans over ships.
If the creator has been clear a ship isn't happening, don't accuse them of queerbaiting. You did that to yourself.
Reblog/retweet/link to the art, GIF-sets, fanfics, and videos you like! Spread the love! Leave comments!
AO3 bookmarks are visible to the author if you don't set it to private. If you say something mean, or even just mark 'never read again' because you didn't like it, the author can see if and might get hurt
Especially never ever comment on an authors fic saying they shouldn't have updated that one instead of the other one.
Do not post untagged/uncensored ship hate.
Do not give unsolicited criticism under free artworks*.
Ship and let ship.
Use the correct ship name for that dynamic.
* both drawn and written
The community is more love-filled when you celebrate what you enjoy with others, rather than unite in hatred of a ship or character, which breeds incredible toxicity & bitterness.
Ship what you like. Just don't be a jerk, or confuse shipping with morality or activism.
1. Parasocial relationships are very important to some fans. Don’t argue with them, don’t engage, live & let live.
2.What ever questions you have has been asked a million times. Find the fans who like to share info
I've seen people convince themselves of the most weird "reasons" to be rude to other people, from over-repeated jokes to others being too enthusiastic.
However I’ve encountered more lovely people anyway!
You are far better off blocking/muting them. Curate your experience on the internet, nothing revolves around you
On the other hand, some readers just like being assholes and bully writers online.
start a thread about Y that’s interesting, not whiny and entitled
Sometimes people use words they grew up with not realizing they’re slurs. Correct them with the non bigoted term and their response will determine whether to block or educate.
Nobody can learn if they get attacked for mistakes!
But if someone is using a bigoted term in casual conversation there is a chance they don’t know it’s harmful. Just inform them. If they’re an ass about it, block.
“Hi, um, that G word is bigoted. Use Roma or Romani instead. 😇”
A polite little correction can go a long way.
I wrote my RP character hearing voices because I did. It was the only way I could put what I was experiencing to words.
2) Don't be an anti -- do not judge people who like horror, gore, smut, or "controversial" literature like Nabokov's Lolita. Do not assume that the people who like those things are closet serial killers or groomers cause, frankly, that's just a sign
Furthermore, anti mentality is deeply rooted in alt-right Christofascism. You can read more about it here.
-Don’t like? Don’t read. Scroll on.
-If you have the time, leave a positive comment!
-If you participate in a fandom challenge or event, please communicate with your friendly neighborhood mod, and try to hit your deadlines, lol!
-Proper tagging is your friend.
There are ways to do this and still leave a bad comments but so many comments do Not clear this bar and I'm Tired.
So I apply this particular saying I'd come across: >
A LOT of people will conflate that particular thing with Kink and it's bad.
And a lot of people conflate P/e/dophilia as a kink rather than a crime that doesn't belong in kink space.
I feel this is something a lot of people could do with learning and applying.
It's the paradox of tolerance. You don't tolerate the intolerant. If you do, they'll push and push, until you're tolerating genocide.
Tolerance is a social contract, where everyone has inalienable >
Anyonr who argues in favor of taking another person's rights for any reason, is violating that social contract.
(The SPN fandom was the WORST.)
Bottom line: Don’t gatekeep, don’t be a shit.
Longer thread here:
There is no one correct way to enjoy a piece of media.
☆ fandom is very 'you get what you give'. you can't pour in hate & expect love back. & fandom is an act of love.
Constructive compliments are amazing and helps creators know that the effort they put in, is being noticed.
2) If there is something that you do not like that people keep bugging you to create for NEVER give in
3) You're allowed to write less popular ships + characters
4) Read Infinity Inc. (1984)
...This includes art and fic,and I imagine it applies to other products of fan labor
ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. why engage with things you do not like? A pairing, a trope, etc. just block or mute and move on. You don't HAVE to read or look at anything. Just move on. It's not for you.
Just consider the more civil, nuanced route.
It's not a reflection of your skill. Many projects want something v specific, or it leans into the runner(s) personal preference, whether that's theme, art/writing style, or friend group.
A failure of this contract from one part is not the fault of the other.
and also Ship and Let Ship
Don't engage with those parts of the fandom! Find your nook & enjoy yourself.
Establish boundaries, but it is your responsibility to hold them.
How you feel isn't anyone else's responsibility.
Ao3 has a fantastic tagging system; use it.
Don't barge past other's boundaries.
Don't complain about the lack of "good fics."
If it doesn't hurt an actual living, breathing human, leave it alone.
Ao3 has a block/mute feature; use it.
If you see lack of fic or art of your ship, complaining about it or accusing other ships of being the problem isn't going to get you more fics.
"If there's nothing to eat, cook for yourself" that means write/draw/commission.
Additionally: Canon is not a prize.
It's basically why I'm writing a couple of multi-chapter fanfics now.
Just saw there was little to nothing for something I wanted to see, and had an idea for it.
But I've been enjoying writing though, seeing what each chapter unfolds as. Plus it's still nice seeing comments from readers enjoying my work too.
I also tend to check out >
One of the recent gems was this one:
Primarily because of how well it's written, and some new lore I'd not heard of before: Dullahan, a headless horseman.
Extended fandom is not bound by the chains of canon.
Will the dynamics you prefer change if it doesn't go canon? No. Yes there's disappointment, but
As someone who works with exploitated children and groups that search for and help them
My advice to the new kids? Don't make it personal. Argue about the characters and text all you like, but keep it clean. Throwing mud just makes a mess.
And never ever use AI! It’s unethical af!!
I'm sure that's about to be a fun lexicon problem.
I'm putting a dish out at the potluck. If it's not to your taste, you don't have to tell me. You don't have to eat it.
Learn to use filters and curate your own online experience. It is not other people's responsibility to cater to you and it isn't yours to judge them.
idk where this trend is coming from but do not sell fanfiction! Even giving them away for free is super risky.
Fanfic exists in a grey area, we're on thin ice already
2. Read the tags thoroughly. If you missed something that's tagged it's your fault, not the creator's.
3. Not everybody is here to eventually do this professionally so no, you aren't doing anyone a favor by critiquing their work.
5. Use the block, mute, back and exit buttons more than you use the "post" button.
I do not want criticism I haven't asked for from random readers, whose expertise is nebulous and unvetted.
good tact is needed here, but in general I think it's best to directly write "I don't need criticism" and protect yourself at least a little
Agree 💚💚💚
Keep your hate/bitching (whether it's of a fandom, ship, or work) to private DMs with your friends; be positive or be quiet in public spaces.