Please listen and share—this is a very serious situation. This is extremely alarming! The Trump administration, across two agencies, is considering bringing criminal charges against employees simply for doing their jobs.
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Think this might be an unfortunate side effect of the left calling for receipts. Because they keep asking for them when they claim fraud and no one is targeted. This is a highly dangerous and stupid route. Hope for the best. Do you have any legal defense fund or union to help with this?
This is just plain scary. How are those people supposed to protect themselves, and from what? Lawyers cost too much money to just keep in your back pocket. Can the agency or company do something to protect their employees?
So wait, they are trying to say that people who followed bosses' order should be criminally charged? Keeping notes for when we get to the DODGE employees...
We have judges and a court system and he will lose. That is something that's happening to him quite a bit lately. He is just making crap up and the system does not work like that.
Let them try! They have no grounds and it will be thrown out of court. I believe over 200+ federal judges were appointed by Joe Biden across the country. Hell, a public defender can and should be able to defend it.
Arrest, charges repeated by the media, and losing your job due to "misconduct" are plenty enough to ruin someone's life even if it doesn't hold up in court.
Misconduct has to be proven IF it’s taken to court. Let’s leave the media out of this, and say ALL federal employees are under attack, which they are for no reason. IF, one is arrested, you owe them no explanation. Request an attorney, the burden of proof belongs to the prosecutor. They have none.
Or, it could show the people just how deluded this administration is. Further, the federal employees would likely have grounds to sue based on obvious political persecution.
Great! Maybe my FIL, MIL & BIL’s will wake the fuck up from their MAGA fever dream when my husband gets arrested for teaching about tariffs and tyranny.
Trump is labeling certain expenses as “FRAUD,” despite most of his claims being completely false—for example, they have even called cancer funding fraud. USAID and EPA employees are being individually targeted for allocating funds—funds they were directly instructed to allocate.
Effective immediately, we are issuing a directive to coalition members. If you are outside our coalition and believe you need legal assistance, seeking legal counsel would be advisable.
WHERE the f*ck is the opposition? Since 6 weeks I do not hear anything from the Dems, have they arleady dissolved themselves before getting forbidden by the dictator?
My line was crossed many years ago & I should have left in 2015 … husband finally saw the light & leaving his beloved country … not so beloved now 🥴 IF his visa doesn’t come through, you better believe I’m buying a gun & joining the resistance
And train, it's not enough to just buy a gun. You have to be comfortable using it in defense.
The Lincoln Heights, CN residents who chased away literal Nazis and burned their flags were successful because they were armed and set up their own neighborhood patrols when their line was crossed.
Authoritarians are weak. There is a stupid one ending the mechanisms needed to enforce his agenda while making threats. He is running out of attorneys and he is firing agents needed for mass surveillance. It can end now with peaceful protests 2% of population and sabotage of loyalists. Do not delay
Please stop blaming the party whom we collectively gave no power. If you want to do illegal things to grab attention, that's going to be YOUR job as a citizen. Don't ask the minority party to get themselves tossed in jail for your need to express your anger. Put your own body on the line first.
Geezus stop blaming the democrats. They warned everyone, they explicitly told you what was going to happen and you chose to ignore it and now they have no fucking power. Now it’s up to you to get off your ass and do something if you want change.
Maybe we all should have thought about that when we lost all 3 branches in 2024 and actually showed up in Nov? 2020 participation was 62%- only 59% in 2024??🤷♀️
Counting on MAGA cult people for to wake up? Really? They woult even pay for getting f**ed up by their Führer personally als long as everybody who is declared bad by him is.
I’m open to suggestions on any effective methods of opposition that would garner results. In lieu of violence and becoming the authoritarian we seek to destroy, the only answer I can see is to take our medicine and find a way to bring some of those voters back across the aisle.
I think we’d expect them to still follow the Constitution; respect American foreign policy; and oh I dunno maybe avoid putting fellow Americans in crisis and chaos on purpose. Too much to ask?
I served in the military for 8 years & worked with the government as a contractor for 10. Served when Dems and GOP had control. NO, that is absolutely not what “typically happens” when a party gains full control of all three branches. No offense but where are you from? This is authoritarianism.
No offense taken whatsoever. I’m from the NE OK Cherokee reservation, but specifically a tiny little dot along I-40 called Roland, OK. Sadly I can’t boast personal military service beyond JROTC. I’m a career civil servant with 16+ years in my agency. Maybe I didn’t express what I meant clearly.
Except it's not. For 50 plus years the Dems controlled the House and Senate. For most of those years, they controlled the presidency.
And to hear the current crop of poo flinging, drooling *rumpanzees tell it, the Supreme Court of the time was a den of rampaging commies.
I Just read an article in norwegian newspaper VG. Americans were asked before the election and now what they think. Republicans were of coarse happy, with name and picture. Several federal employees did not want their name and picture taken, in fear of beeing fired! Like in Ruzzia!
I fully understand the desire to protest what’s happening. But we can’t expect a dialogue if we refuse to communicate. Trump is the actual literal worst. But the people who support him are still our fellow Americans and the only way to forge a path forward is together, unpleasant as that may be.
No. No, it's not what typically happens. The incoming victors do not fire hundreds of thousands of federal workers and do not make up bogus charges to force people to resign. That has literally never happened before.
Are you drunk?
I’m sure DC’s lawyers are booked. I hope the coalition has lawyers in states with experience standing up to state gov’t retaliation against employees. Maybe those lawyers could help push back against feds. For ex., maybe some attorneys in TX have pushed back against retaliation by Abbott or Paxton.
They "find" corruption whenever or wherever they can profit from the hardships of others and say it's a crusade for efficiency. The only thing efficient about it is how quicky they make BILLIONS off our suffering. People do not matter to them they would rather see you die than take a loss.
😱 Amplifying.
This is hideous, heinous! It wouldn't surprise me if they felt laughed at for not understanding transgenic does NOT mean transgender and are lashing out. They were going to come after someone but I never thought a mouse would set off this alarming hunt. JFC Pls be safe!
So, do we have this correct? The FiC is labeling congressionally appropriated funds as fraud, while doge announces w/ Mr Lutnick,that fed expenses should not be included in the budget reports (so Mr Lutnick can be “more transparent”),
while Doge claims US citizens social security is a Ponzi scheme? We’re 60 days in, & Musk has received 40 billion in Fed contracts WE paid for, (that Musk- Lutnick don’t want reported(?) & that Musk hasn’t yet said thank you for, & we’re supposed to believe that social security is the Ponzi scheme?
Oh I’m fairly certain they knew… it’s a feature, not a bug. He’s going to burn it all down so they can scoop it all up at pennies on the dollar. JD invested in AcreTrader for a reason…
He can’t send us all to jail. We seriously need to start organizing a mass protest. I’m a federal employee myself as soon as I lose my job trust me. I’ll be out there.
They’ve been planning this out since the tea party they have put their pieces in place…. I honestly don’t think this is a democracy anymore, but it isn’t official.
If SCOTUS had gone the other way it would have been the end of our Republic. It should have been 9 - 0 not 5 - 4 though. The 4 that voted for letting Trump withhold funding need to be removed.
If that’s what you think I meant, you’re totally wrong. I do my best with what I can in this red state I live in. I’m not trying to die this early in the fight. I’m trying to get to a blue state with more people like me so our voices can be amplified.
I would literally be alone it would be very dangerous. I have to be with my kind of people and that’s the problem with being a blue dot in a red state your voice is muted for safety concerns
I won’t risk it. I don’t feel safe. I’ve seen it. I’ve been too a few. You know we have our signs and the other side comes with guns on their hips and on their back and confederate flags and it’s just crazy and I don’t feel safe. There’s not enough of us. I’ll travel to Austin to protest.
I’ve talked to our union president. I wish they gave us more information. I feel that if they break our contract, we can strike. Why should we still honor a contract that they tossed out the window. They haven’t touched the post office yet, but we know it’s coming.
In my family alone, five public servants, we hold on till the end. People need their mail. They need their medication’s. We are the last line of communication if everything goes down I take my oath very seriously.
Because I have a family to feed . We are pinching pennies right now just so I can have money to survive a little bit after. I’m 10 steps ahead. I don’t know when it’s coming, but it’s coming. I am a public servant, and I have to serve the public until I can’t anymore.
That’s gonna be everyone’s excuse until it’s too late and that’s what they’re counting on. You’re not 10 steps ahead, you’re 10 steps behind. You can do your job and support protests too. As simple as stop shopping at Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc.
My parents marched with Chavez my father was president of LuLac. We have always been vocal. They taught their kids to be vocal and to participate in government. I just know there’s gonna be a time when I lose this job I have and I have to hold on until the end.
Locally, I do what I can I participate in everything. I participate in the boycotts. But it’s not enough we need to be in Washington in the thousands. I do agree with you wholeheartedly.
Hang in there. Keep building community where you are. Find moments of joy and rest to keep going. Pay attention, but don’t let it consume your day. Make plans and backup plans.
Stop harassing a federal employee to “do more”, some people are on the verge of self harm, and you have no idea what this person is doing just to hold the line, please spend your time doing more instead because this is rude and unhelpful
I’m fine don’t worry and I do wanna fight hard. The clock is ticking. This is very serious. We are not immune to history, repeating itself. Strategically, I’m doing the best I can to prepare for what’s next. I’m also a little blue dot in a sea of red.
Leave her alone, she HAS A FAMILY TO FEED. THATS neither easy nor free, and costs keep rising. How do you k now she has t stopped shopping at Amazon or Target? You don’t. You also don’t know the state of their finances, mortgage, etc. so SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.
I saw it, and like so much else the Trumpsters are doing, it'll never pass muster in court.
What Trumps doing is slinging mud to see what sticks. Weaponizing the justice dept in order to cause so much chaos he can palm billions from the treasury.
They just did it with the crypto market. I'd bet they bought in before they announced the crypto reserve and knew they'd pump the value with the announcement.
They're probably selling off right now before they reverse themselves again.
Having had that scenario just play out before me, to fight bogus criminal charges (in a personal, not professional setting), I chose to let the thief win and not suffer through the 5 years and monetary woe it would have taken to absolve myself. My sanity, my wife's sanity had more value than money.
You guys remember Coruscant from Star Wars...whole planet was one big city. Or Gedi Prime from Dune...that's probably more accurate.
That's what the GOP wants to do to Earth. They don't see the true value of National Parks. All they see is 🏧
Not on topic, but if this isn’t your group, I’d suggest someone in your group start selling similar merch to fundraise & show how much support there is.
Lots of online classes on print on demand ecommerce.
This is stupider than you can imagine. The reason they think the cancer research is fraud is because they read that they are using transgenic mice for research. They think this means they are turning the mice transexual. The stupidity of this administration cannot be measured.
Trump is so damn stupid along with Musk and everyone else. I always thought that our leaders were generally smart people. As it turns out, that's not really true anymore. All of them have aids and researchers, so there isn't any excuse for them not to give accurate and believable information.
Well he did get mad when he was supposed to read a passage from the constitution on camera and just couldn't. He's literally a kindergarten level bully who gets angry when he can't do shit but has a god complex.
I definitely agree at least some is. But these "mistakes" are too consistent and convenient. Serves their narrative better to lie imo. Keeps MAGA believing that the gov was spending billions on trans people.
Which is objectively hilarious to think they'd do that.
Anything beyond Dr Seuss can be tricky if you‘re at a 4th-grade reading level, and I suspect even that is generous. His cronies aren’t any brighter or just go along with it since they are bought and paid for. Of course, we know MAGAts are complete dimwits and will just accept whatever he says.
Poor USA, you elected a thick illiterate fascist to run your country. Is he going to shut down long haul trucking, air travel and bus services because it's clearly TRANSport?
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Did you see the sick, misogynistic/ racist way the republicans acted at that lie fest the other night?Towards Stansbury and green specifically. (I only watched clips) You can call until you're blue in the face, it doesn't matter. Pain is the only thing that will stop them.
I think the threat is more telling than the action. For better or for worse I think judges are mostly still relatively level headed and would not buy any of this shit. This is all political showmanship, and it is better for them to say they were bringing charges than to actually test that in court
In their eyes ANYONE who does not conform to the regime is an enemy of the state. That is how an Authoritarian state works and it will ONLY get worse. Protesters and Workers are on the front lines and WILL pay a heavy cost financially and possibly fatally if this is allowed to continue. GET PISSED!!
Nothing. Doesn’t matter if it makes no damned sense. What’s that got to do with anything?!
Anything Trump’s not done so far, he’s considering - or might do on a whim
I keep asking for who’s most likely to stand up, with no luck. What I do is look for 🔴 senators who voted against the part this session. Murkowski and Collins are the 2 most often voting against. Some othersBud, Tillis, King, wicker, Murphy. Dig a bit and see who might support your concerns. 🧵
I live in a blue state. To be more effective, I’ve been calling senators on various committees. Even though I don’t live in their districts, what they decide affects me as a citizen. Also each committee has an office, and I’ve left messages with the person who answers the phone for the committee.
Attention America; what is it going to take to get us to our breaking point?
Let’s flood the streets until we shut the economy down.
All day.
All night.
In shifts.
Martial law? Highly likely.
It’s a risk I believe many if not most are willing to take!
I am.
The other way to shut the economy down is national strike: if clerks don’t go in to work, no one can buy anything. No retail. No banking.
No hospitality. No
school. No gas. All everyone needs to do is STAY HOME. Like during COVID.
Problem is getting enough Americans to do ANYTHING collectively.
I highly recommend reading Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny” and checking out Jess Craven’s “Chop Wood, Carry Water.” She lists excellent examples of things we can do every day.
They’ve said they want to bring criminal charges against teachers and librarians just for doing their jobs. Federal employees are just easier targets at the moment. Anyone doing any job they don’t like will not be safe unless they are stopped.
Authoritarians are weak. There is a stupid one ending the mechanisms needed to enforce his agenda while making threats. He is running out of attorneys and he is firing agents needed for mass surveillance. It can end now with peaceful protests 2% of population and sabotage of loyalists. Do not delay
Y’all need to stop posting surprised sentiments and start acting (cuz it seems like you’re just baiting activists) and stop being surprised. We all know what’s going on. Post updates about tangible results. Post pics and videos of kinetic victories. We’re not impressed by your words. Give us hope.
I was just writing a comment on cornyn s page. All was fine , until I wrote the word trump. Then the grey box appeared.
So for a test, I just wrote the word trump- the grey box appeared. Not happening on posts- just comments- i am thinking this is NO technical error! . WTH
Thank you for the explanation about the gray box although I know it’s popped up many times when I wasn’t making any kind of a political comment or commenting on politics. I wonder what the trigger words are.
It's disheartening how many of us who are branded "woke" by nazis are currently sleepwalking their way towards another Auschwitz. They've already got your job, money, home and citizenship. They want your blood.
They are following the autocratic playbook. Leon probably is complying w/ these autocrats’ requests for info to investigate in-country agencies partnering w/ USAID. I imagine he has been thinking about following their example & prosecuting people within USAID.
This is affecting the whole country. Excuse me for not feeling sorry for the Repug's that were gleeful to vote for Trump, hoping the Dems would be hurt.
So, we've now reached the FAFO part for them. They're getting exactly what they were hoping we would get.
All I can say is boo fing hoo for them.
Krasnov following his masters playbook. The parallels are undeniable and sickening.
1.0000 USD
90.400 RUB
Krasnov will stop when it’s reversed, or perhaps not even then, because he isn’t in charge anyway..
WTH!!! How can that even be a thing?!? The orange clown shit show is getting worse day by day. The USA cannot afford to allow him to stay in office.
I know. But the more we react with fear and certainty that they are going to do it, the more we show them what they can do and how much power they can wield.
Trump has filled all the highest levels of power with people that parrot Russian propaganda for a reason. Intimidation is here, arrests are coming. Does New Hampshire secede or change it's state slogan?
I feel like they would overplay their hand with this one. He does t have nearly the support of the people or control of judiciary for these kinds of strongman moves.
It won't hold up in court. They are trying to scare you all. Get attorneys call the ACLU. File with the erpc under the whistleblowers act and then publish the hell out of it.
Reach out to the AG’s who are handling the lawsuit against trump regarding the USAID funding. This is another attempt to freeze funding now that the supreme court ruled he can’t freeze funding wholesale.
This is what they do to try to dismantle the system more. They try to take everyone's money through litigation. Another reason why it's so important for all of us (except emergency personnel) to stop working - stop paying - general strike
Demand response from your elected representatives. Boycott businesses that support the billionaires in charge. Connect to local communities. Prepare for services to stop.
I am waiting for my little trump did this stickers and I am going to order luigi stickers. I am planting a garden hopefully with extras to donate to democrats. I do not shop at Target, Wal-Mart or Amazon any more. I can barely walk at times but am looking for ways I can resist.
🧵[1/6] Individual Actions to Make a Difference 💪
This is a really big thread with lots of ideas.
Change your habits!
▫️Add boycotted companies to your daily routine changes. Drop Amazon, Target and (if you can) Walmart long term.
▫️If you can, shop locally. Any dollar not in corporate pockets helps!
Do you have a car & free time?
▫️Help people get their groceries so they don't have to use Amazon. Tell people to switch to Costco shipping instead if they can. Costco supports DEI.
▫️If you know any Veterans or disabled folks who wanna protest, but don't drive or aren't well off, offer help.
Support our protesters & strikers!
▫️You can help by making protest signs, signal boosting protests, organizing them, or bringing them water or snacks in sealed packages. Try to avoid anything with peanuts or dairy.
▫️Print out fliers debunking MAGA lies and post them around town.
Community outreach matters!
▫️Reach out on #ICEWatch and see if there's a local group in your area. If not, start one!
▫️If you have minority, LGBTQ or disabled family and friends, get in touch and see if they need anything.
▫️Join your local library and get a library card.
[Continued below.]
Community outreach matters! [Continued!]
▫️Have a community center nearby, such as an LGBTQ center or a black community center? Be part of it!
▫️Volunteer at soup kitchens and shelters.
▫️Bring school supplies to local teachers. Many teachers pay out of pocket for supplies. 😬
Also, if they bring criminal charges against people for “fraud”, it will take a long time for those cases to go through the courts. In the meantime, people are more likely to believe their claims because “oh wow, they brought charges, so it must be true”.
Somehow "innocent until proven otherwise" doesn't work and some people actually think that a failed business man and convicted felon is fit for president.
Then, by the time the cases are closed, no one will be thinking about it anymore. That, or they’re counting on the authoritarian dictatorship to be in full swing by the time it’s over.
Lines are being drawn in the sand. Many of those lines will be crossed.
Where is yours?
The Lincoln Heights, CN residents who chased away literal Nazis and burned their flags were successful because they were armed and set up their own neighborhood patrols when their line was crossed.
Unfortunately our country is getting what it paid for. Ultimately I think it’s the only way MAGA (who are still our countrymen) will learn.
Not only do they have all three branches of government, importantly a Rouge Supreme Court, all national security agencies and Military.
It’s a full on Coup d'état of Nazis.
This is exactly how Hitler took over Germany.
And to hear the current crop of poo flinging, drooling *rumpanzees tell it, the Supreme Court of the time was a den of rampaging commies.
This is feature of fascist diaper wipes getting power, which should never have happened and must be opposed by every means necessary.
I don't think anybody gives a crap who learns what lesson.
Nobody wants our families to die but the GOP and Fascists.
Are you drunk?
Trumps loyalist kept; Supreme Court wasn’t handed; allowed Trump to run again, not held accountable.
Now Billionaire Nazis running the show.
As Rep. Maxine Waters “Trump won the 2024 Election because Elon Musk hacked the Election!”
And Musk signaled it true
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
This is hideous, heinous! It wouldn't surprise me if they felt laughed at for not understanding transgenic does NOT mean transgender and are lashing out. They were going to come after someone but I never thought a mouse would set off this alarming hunt. JFC Pls be safe!
It's like a "stupid contest".
🤡SCOTUS rules foreign #USAID “unfrozen”;
🤡WA$TEFUL Gitmo deportations HALTED;
🤡Listings SALES of 443 fed gov’t properties — including CIA, DoJ & FBI hq’s — is pulled‼️
Nazi/evil folks aren't stupid, they've learned from all prior history how to do this better
What Trumps doing is slinging mud to see what sticks. Weaponizing the justice dept in order to cause so much chaos he can palm billions from the treasury.
Crash the markets with rumors so they can buy stocks cheap, then back off of the threats and the stock values rise again.
If you have millions of liquid capital to invest, your return on such a plan would be amazing, in stock profit terms.
They're probably selling off right now before they reverse themselves again.
That's what the GOP wants to do to Earth. They don't see the true value of National Parks. All they see is 🏧
Lots of online classes on print on demand ecommerce.
This is unbelievable!
i believe a lot of it is willful misinterpretation. because that's crucial for fascism.
Which is objectively hilarious to think they'd do that.
Holy god the stupidity….
Criminal charges can't be that big of a deal in the US.
Even the president got 34 Felonies in his back pocket and is still in office.
Explain this to the world, as we are wondering?
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
No. No. No.
How can we best help?
Show up in person to town halls if you can.
Chop Wood, Carry Water:
And yet these Nazis continue to try and destroy this once great nation….WAKE UP AMERICA
Copy-paste the link into private window and you should be able to view without a subscription.
Anything Trump’s not done so far, he’s considering - or might do on a whim
Let’s flood the streets until we shut the economy down.
All day.
All night.
In shifts.
Martial law? Highly likely.
It’s a risk I believe many if not most are willing to take!
I am.
No hospitality. No
school. No gas. All everyone needs to do is STAY HOME. Like during COVID.
Problem is getting enough Americans to do ANYTHING collectively.
Stop normalizing what DJT and his collaborators are doing.
So for a test, I just wrote the word trump- the grey box appeared. Not happening on posts- just comments- i am thinking this is NO technical error! . WTH
My God, what a disgusting, evil, vile POS he is.
it goes both ways.
So, we've now reached the FAFO part for them. They're getting exactly what they were hoping we would get.
All I can say is boo fing hoo for them.
Krasnov following his masters playbook. The parallels are undeniable and sickening.
1.0000 USD
90.400 RUB
Krasnov will stop when it’s reversed, or perhaps not even then, because he isn’t in charge anyway..
We need help from data analysts, devs and DevOps to accelerate the resistance and organize the fight against the DOGE
Stay anonymous. Contribute part time.
Send message to for info
>follows a billionaire
There is no line they will not cross. We ARE the resistance.
We need more eyes on this!
Join 50501 and Indivisible:
This is a really big thread with lots of ideas.
Change your habits!
▫️Add boycotted companies to your daily routine changes. Drop Amazon, Target and (if you can) Walmart long term.
▫️If you can, shop locally. Any dollar not in corporate pockets helps!
Do you have a car & free time?
▫️Help people get their groceries so they don't have to use Amazon. Tell people to switch to Costco shipping instead if they can. Costco supports DEI.
▫️If you know any Veterans or disabled folks who wanna protest, but don't drive or aren't well off, offer help.
Support our protesters & strikers!
▫️You can help by making protest signs, signal boosting protests, organizing them, or bringing them water or snacks in sealed packages. Try to avoid anything with peanuts or dairy.
▫️Print out fliers debunking MAGA lies and post them around town.
Community outreach matters!
▫️Reach out on #ICEWatch and see if there's a local group in your area. If not, start one!
▫️If you have minority, LGBTQ or disabled family and friends, get in touch and see if they need anything.
▫️Join your local library and get a library card.
[Continued below.]
Community outreach matters! [Continued!]
▫️Have a community center nearby, such as an LGBTQ center or a black community center? Be part of it!
▫️Volunteer at soup kitchens and shelters.
▫️Bring school supplies to local teachers. Many teachers pay out of pocket for supplies. 😬