It will be interesting to see how the originalists respond to the obvious breach of the design of the constitution. The representatives of the people passed laws with funding for it to be done. The Executive are obliged to implement it. They can’t unilaterally decide they are not going to do it.
If Roberts rules that the federal court has no say on this, then Trump will continue his attacks. If Roberts court does not take the case, Will Trump abide by the lower court ruling? Robert’s really needs to say that Trump needs to listen to the lower court. If he wants to protect democracy.
Can a case come to the Supreme Court that might lead to them overturning their own decision that gave him this immunity to crimes? If so what is the likelihood that they would actually reverse their own decision?
His mind is GONE.....PURE TAPIOCA ...MUSH!! He's SOOO dillusional, he ACTUALLY BELIEVES anything he asks for will be given to him!! FROM ANYONE!! ..GOD, TAKE HIM NOW!! SPARE HIM, AND US, THIS ANGUISH AND PAIN!!
Of course he did,he's such a little bitch! So,is SCOTUS the only court he'll actually listen to? Bc he's already declared he's the supreme source w all the power. This is a coup!
Because of course. Any bets on how quickly the fascist majority sides with T-ump out of knee-jerk loyalty? My guess is before the regime finishes its opening remarks
The Supreme Court just denied Trump banning media calling it terrorism. So there’s a start. Keep watching as now Justice Roberts is carefully thinking of the consequences. We have to keep pushing on him.
SCOTUS is now terrified of the power they gave Trump, realizing that he will soon make them as irrelevant as the legislative branch, and that they are powerless from stopping him. Their only means of enforcing their rulings are under the direct control of the president.
Thankfully, to be a judge, you are still required to have gone to law school, where you may have learned a thing or two about legality, even if accidentally. So on average, judges are more likely to be smarter than anyone we send to Congress.
They should be petrified. And they were warned by Sotomayor who said that the majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, invents "an atextual, ahistorical, and unjustifiable immunity that puts the President above the law,” and “the President is now a king above the law.”
Well, isn't that special? So will federal workers doom other federal workers? No more bowing and scraping Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney-Barrett, and Roberts. It just got real. Do the right thing, don't even hear it!
AND... the SUPREME COURT BETTER make the RIGHT DECISION!! HUNDRED OF MILLIONS are watching them!!.AND WE hold the key to their way OUT!!!..IF the DONT do the right thing!!
I wonder if Roberts is having second thoughts about what he hath wrought. I wonder what other presidents would have done if they knew they had total immunity for all official acts.
CHUMP is trying to get a lot of "YES" men and women to control the courts. If there's an election in any state, he uses his platform with the interent to spread far & wide, who he wants it to be. Recently, it was Wisconsin.
NYT article:
Reports of the “chaos” DOGE has unleashed at NIH are just the tip of the iceberg, according to one NIH staffer who spoke to the Times.
“Whatever people are reading in newspapers,” they said, “it’s 10 times worse.”
Yeah, it's really sad to think how she'd feel about what's going on, she would have never thought it'd get this far, or the naked way the supreme court has had just torn down so many democratic safeguards, 🤬 heritage foundation and "textualism"
Yes, yes it is. The only way this ends without the destruction of our country is the removal of tRump and mUsk and it’s pretty obvious that will have to happen by force. Preferably by officials who aren’t compromised but if not then by the citizens.
Yes, but if you have a kitchen filled with cockroaches, you can't just stomp on two roaches. You have to fumigate and neutralize all the roaches in the entire house. They all have to go.
I couldn’t agree more, but I would suspect that will need to happen through more conventional methods, and maybe once the clear and present danger is removed we the people will be capable of coming together in a large enough group to make our government work for the people. Big maybe…
Yes, wasn't that their justification all the time? These gun rights do come with responsibilities.
I think when this nightmare is over and the project 2025 ghouls have been put out of power, the NRA will get a reckoning and stricter gun laws can be implemented.
trump should be impeached for firing our federal government. It is an act of war. He is dismantling our government as part of a coup to destroy the USA and replace it with and authoritarian fascist regime. He's a traitor. People should see it for what it is and refuse to step down.
REGIME! It's not an administration...administrations are collaborative and work with the people. Regimes plunder, pilfer, and pillage their own. Got it now?
I have some hopes for Roberts and Coney-Barrett.
Roberts finally gets it (SCOTUS itself is on the line) and Coney-Barrett has respect for the law. Could be another 5:4 close thing.
I think three: Sotomayor, Jackson, Kagan. The reason they rule against Trump is not because of who appointed them, but because his cases are usually bullshit.
God I miss RBG, she would have given him a dressing down, for sure. But Sotomayor's dissent to the immunity ruling was fire as well.
Well the Supreme Court better think hard on this one and rehire the thousands that should not have been fired to begin with!!! And Pres musk takes about waste! Fucking hypocrites!
This is not a joke I was banned at 1.5M views for this video right after it was confirmed to be authentic by Deep fake detection. Tik tok didn’t want you to see this
yes yes...I am getting really tired of trying to keep people up on this stuff...please listen. Please guys. We didn't listen in November when I said to stop them from taking the military and police. Please. Just listen.
If I am being honest, lately with my comments and posts more driven to this nature and their escalation I find myself much more regularly checking behind me and out my windows for a random stranger staring directly at me. I've had random calls that hang up, random fake mail addressed to my wife, etc
We gotta get everyone who is sane and in office in all levels of government, military, police, etc on Bluesky (Even the ones weening off Tr like this example).
People need to be informed, take action, be united, get others here, & if they are 1 of them realize they too will be thrown in trash
or both
Hopefully they are smart enough to realize that their best interest is the same as the peoples
Reports of the “chaos” DOGE has unleashed at NIH are just the tip of the iceberg, according to one NIH staffer who spoke to the Times.
“Whatever people are reading in newspapers,” they said, “it’s 10 times worse.”
I think when this nightmare is over and the project 2025 ghouls have been put out of power, the NRA will get a reckoning and stricter gun laws can be implemented.
Roberts finally gets it (SCOTUS itself is on the line) and Coney-Barrett has respect for the law. Could be another 5:4 close thing.
God I miss RBG, she would have given him a dressing down, for sure. But Sotomayor's dissent to the immunity ruling was fire as well.
A willful man-child.
Telling Dad "they're not playing the game I want to play. Make them!"
Fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
Fuck off fuck off
(sing to to hi-ho, sing to DJT)
People need to be informed, take action, be united, get others here, & if they are 1 of them realize they too will be thrown in trash