💯 Transphobic cis women will single out trans women who express femininity by saying they're "reinforcing gender roles," yet cis women who express traditional femininity get a pass?
Cisters aren’t actually scared of trans women. Any who cite the very few and far between attacks that may have taken place are just using it to rally their hate. I would rather be in a group of trans women than a group of cis women.
CIS Male- Of course you do. And the right and ability to be annoying we share. We also live in the world and it’s not all nice. My life isn’t nor do I feel welcome every place I go. BUT I do not face near the vitriol nor danger you do. Nothing easy- but stay the course. You’re doing great. Be well!!
Or should we be happy to be oppressed just like the "real" women are. Validation? Progress!?
In a just world this wouldn't be the case, but this is clearly not a just world.
when most of us do mind our own business and cis silence allows false stereotypes to be created and not fought against
We're really not asking for much, but cis people are the reason being trans is hard right now.