Dear America
I’m going to hold your hand for a moment while I say this:
No one is coming to save you. We’re busy trying to save ourselves from your wannabe dictator. We can’t pour from empty cups. You going to have to start the work to save yourselves.
There are a multitude of resources. 🧵
I’m going to hold your hand for a moment while I say this:
No one is coming to save you. We’re busy trying to save ourselves from your wannabe dictator. We can’t pour from empty cups. You going to have to start the work to save yourselves.
There are a multitude of resources. 🧵
So go and find resources. I’ve posted some free ones on my timeline. Learn how to build and/or find networks. Learn how to care for yourselves and your neighbours. Learn how to disobey. Learn your rights. 🧵 in New York has a store selling resistance merch
Damnit. I need an edit button so bad
Do the damn work.
No can save you while they’re trying to save themselves.
It’s a rich person’s way of saying “get fukt”, and it’s been told to us US citizens by our rich for decades.
How about Not all Americans.
If it doesn't apply to you it isn't about you
You're welcome, a fellow human being, but, subject to your nation's will.
The United States of America (ITS PEOPLE) are NOT doing this.
👉 1% of 'us' are. 😢
And we don't like them either!
And the more that help, the greater the odds this volatile toxic garbage won't spew over your borders. 🙏
Those of us in other parts of the world that are actively shoring up our defences can’t right now - which is the point I was trying to make
There it is in all its glory.
American Hubris
If you asked me a question, I wouldn't hold all Canadians responsible for YOUR question my friend.
But not your mate
Keep preaching though. It’s safe.
We won’t be here to preach back.
Read again
The “we’re trying to save ourselves” implies that we don’t intend to be a future snack.
Read again.
Learn or die.
Might want to check those history books
All it takes is one person in a community to start doing something effective, and the rest will follow
There are tons in the rest of the thread
Try using some reading and comprehension skills ✌️
Speak for your own damn self.
We're in a world of shit and whatever you're doing isn't working.
I didn't felt talked down to.
Is it bad if I admit I did to be deliberately evocative? 😬
I wanted something that would raise an emotion because unfortunately all we see from outside is a lot of apathy and “well we waited it out the last time and it was fine” and “the courts will save us” attitude 😭
There are movements - no argument there. There aren’t enough. And there is *still* too much apathy and too many “we survived before” posts
This isn’t for you. This is for ones who still need a wake up ❤️
An imperialist juggernaut like the U.S. with a president like Trump imperils the entire planet.
The majority of Americans voted for him because they cannot discern fact from fiction. We need help, whether it’s tactful to ask or not.
We can’t help each other if we can’t help ourselves
But there’s a fat guy on the plane knocking people’s masks off.
We’re all so used to coming to each other’s aid when things go wrong, and things are going very very very very wrong. It’s sobering to realize no one is going to be *able* to come to anyone’s aid really. We are all going to be fighting different wars simultaneously
And. My feed this morning was a lot of “The courts are taking action” (yes - and Trump is actively undermining them), “we’ll take back the house in the next election” (current extrapolations indicate there won’t *be* a next election) etc
-Note added by Crawler Carl,
Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook, 25th Edition
Please don't expect us to mourn when the Commonwealth and the EU cut you lose when the s*** hits the fan.
This is the worst episode of geopolitical Survivor ever.
In all serious, love y'all, Buhbies.
Too many Americans… not so much 😉
All in good fun my friend. 🤪
By the time they all wake up, it'll be too late.
Sorry for the negativity. I am a blue dot in a red state and these people have no care in the world as to what's happening!!!!!
How about instead of attacking the messenger, go wake your fellow apathetic buddies up?
Could I be less divisive? Yes
Has being less divisive and evocative worked for anyone else sounding the alarm? No
I’m trying anything at this stage to just wake people up
Albert Einstein
We can't do it by ourselves, either.
Yet when we do it will be such a rush of new blood and a deep love for Democracy.
You can watch us fall, but you will have to defend yourselves all in all.
This is going to take us a minute to sort out. May want to start looking hard at those Monopolies I see you got up there. Unchecked Capitalism has some serious flaws 🙄
🤣 it seems
Primary Tool that landed America
where we are 🙁
Balance is essential.
The countries with the strongest social support networks are the ones that are often the happiest and most productive ❤️
We’re having to wake a few of our apathetic “but it doesn’t affect me”’s too
Still hoping the saner Americans (and everyone else) survives this nightmare somehow