They've pretty much made it clear that you're in or you're out, so no wiggle room. If you're an R you're a Trumper or we're kicking you out of the family.
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not for nothing but from multiple sources I've heard that R donor pool has shrunk massively, which exacerbates the reliance on keeping in good standing with the few remaining money spigots (Musk et al)
hey remember that time they stole an election and then started two wars that killed a million people? The only reason YOU could live amongst them is because it wasn't YOUR demographic on the chopping block. They've always been like this
I was there. Voted for Gore and unfortunately lived in Fkoriduh. Oh yeah, also reported on both of Bush’s BS wars. You’re right, I’m not the demo but I’ve seen the suffering R’s caused. Would never defend them but give it six month. Every demographic in the world will suffer when MAGA WW3 starts.
Maybe but the end of democracy wasn’t necessarily their goal. It became their goal when the Federalists and Heritage Foundation recruited and grew. Russia, China + Musk helped them get where they’re at now. Yes, R’s have always been evil but this isn’t the old evil patriarchy sweety
100% agree with you. Have being calling them magats, maga, trumplicans. The republican party died in 2016, the minute they let traitor trump run and ruin their party.
The non-stop lying is a force function: Once you say J6 was a peaceful protest, you can't say no to siding with a dictator against the free world. Once you do that, *of course* you're going to call the hero a villain.
The train is going too fast for them to ever leave.
J6 is an identity litmus test. If you accept the facts and recognize J6 as an attempt to overthrow a lawful election, you are cast out of the MAGA club and lose your identity as a "patriot" and righteous American.
I have an terrible pastime of trolling J6 deniers on Bluesky. Most deny Trump submitted forged Elector slates. When I point them to Wikipedia, it's comminist. If I point them to articles, it's MSM and can't be trusted. When I point to court documents, they're corrupt.
I just went through this with an acquaintance in texts. It came up bc he’s thinking of buying a condo near me in FL. I felt a duty to warn him of the risks inherent in living here. I told him about flood maps and FEMA but that I’m not sure what’s happening to FEMA. Downhill from there.
And that's part of the plan: Attempting to overthrow the government and failing is nothing compared to dismantling the government illegally domestically and upending 80+ years of global cooperation with the free world.
J6 is nothing compared to siding with Putin against the free world.
My sinking fear is that social media will continue to accumulate followers of MAGA slowly over time, and at that point they won't need to overthrow the government; they'll vote it in with a smile on their faces as children starve to death across the globe.
Or it will be like the Germans where there was lots of collective forced acknowledgment of what they did while the average German never took any real personal responsibility.
*Exactly*. The consequences no longer matter- Some of the MAGA-voting federal workers bowed their heads and accepted that life-changing event without reassessing their alignment.
Same with mee maw- Trump *had to cut* because the evil Dems spend too much.
It was always going to lead here.
They were always this bad at heart. They just didn't think they could get away with it.
This is them unfettered. Free. This is who they are at heart.
There is no peace. If they wanna prove they have souls? They break rank.
The train is going too fast for them to ever leave.
You can't make this shit up!
J6 is nothing compared to siding with Putin against the free world.
My sinking fear is that social media will continue to accumulate followers of MAGA slowly over time, and at that point they won't need to overthrow the government; they'll vote it in with a smile on their faces as children starve to death across the globe.
Same with mee maw- Trump *had to cut* because the evil Dems spend too much.
If you discover you believed one lie you can walk away feeling foolish. Believe 100 lies and you can’t accept you could be THAT foolish.
Long con 101.
Step 1 in liberating my books from Amazon.