she grew up in a cult, she chose to leave the dem party to join another cult, I guess that paid off for her but boy it sure will not pay off for the entire rest of the country........and our allies either.
He’s determined to destroy this country from the inside. Who was it who said Russia can take control of America without firing a shot is 100% correct and it’s going to happen if we don’t stop trump in his tracks before 1/20
Director of ‘National Intelligence?’ Well that is a thing of the past. Intelligence has been banned in America. Less than half of Americans even read a book this year.
Here's why: Gabbard has since endorsed Republicans like J.D. Vance — the Ohio Senate candidate who has said he doesn’t “care” what happens to Ukraine and recently echoed Trump’s view that Ukraine should go to the negotiating table with Russia
As a 26-year military officer, I’m completely appalled and disgusted that this traitor is giving our country away to Russia, and there are millions of people just happily letting him do it yet claiming they are patriots.
In Oct 2021, a memo was released that an unusually high number of our agents had been exposed and/or killed. Remember that request for our documents in FL that he refused to give back…? I’m disgusted by his enablers and voters.
ox·y·mo·ron | \ ˌäk-si-ˈmȯr-ˌän , -sē- \
plural oxymorons or less commonly oxymora \ ˌäk-si-ˈmȯr-ə , -sē- \
: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness)
broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements
He is turning our government into a circus.....a very dangerous one since none of these clowns know anything and this is not a rerun of the Apprentice.....learn as you earn gig!! 😡😡
Was going to say this is a parody, but the fascist is dead serious with these insane picks. Everyone who sucked up to him sufficiently will get a prize.
Na Lee Zeldin the dipwad from Long Island has that job with no experience just like this shit show… it’s almost laughable at this point!!
USA =Uneducated States of America
Didn’t Hilary Clinton say she was a “Russian asset”? How does she get confirmed? She’s over her head! I would never accept a job that I was woefully unqualified for! I wouldn’t want the stress of it, or the scrutiny!!
Funniest joke I've heard in a while.
I've heard rumblings, but don't have a clear picture of her shenanigans.
Gaetz as AG. Madness
A Fox talking head as Sec of Defense. Wonder how many staffers will retire or resign.
She's about as disgusting a human being as she can be. Not bright enough to run a dog kennel.
This country is so fucked.
Here's why: Gabbard has since endorsed Republicans like J.D. Vance — the Ohio Senate candidate who has said he doesn’t “care” what happens to Ukraine and recently echoed Trump’s view that Ukraine should go to the negotiating table with Russia
Okay, okay.
It's clear - Putin is in charge, not Trump.
Will Thune save our institutions by refusing to allow recess appointments and controlling his party members?
Or will be be a mindless bootlicker, which is Trump's wish?
I can only eat so many faces!
plural oxymorons or less commonly oxymora \ ˌäk-si-ˈmȯr-ə , -sē- \
: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness)
broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements
Boebert is the natural for that.
In the 🙃 which is our reality.
Since she didn't get Education
USA =Uneducated States of America