These are talking points straight from the Kremlin.
It is clear that Trump’s plan to “end the war” is to remove Zelenskyy, replace him with a Putin stooge, and then let Putin take over Ukraine.
It is clear that Trump’s plan to “end the war” is to remove Zelenskyy, replace him with a Putin stooge, and then let Putin take over Ukraine.
Also that banning media owned by the country attacking you is common, see what we banned in America during WW2
The problem is, millions of American voters didn't care.
At the least, we should hold GOP Congress members accountable for letting Trump do this.
Elon is NOT an elected official. Neither is djt, but the money...
Who has the most money & why is Musk so involved?
I didn't see his name on my ballot.
Did he get certified by whomever?
He acts as though he has Carte Blanche.
Does he?
Such an asshole!
It really is going to be a long 4 years.
47 spent from Jan 2021 plotting. The compliant media of FOX never quit calling him “President”
Was it 2023 when a campaign announced ??
ALL time was used to plot, gather ass kissers, bilk fools of $$ and then the Musk buy out in 2024.
Facts Check
Hush Elon.
End of story.
Who will stop this unelected purchaser of the puppet president?
We could fund cancer research with the $200 billion musk has increased his net worth since the election.
That free medicare grandma gets has got to go!
was under investigation from defense and faa
And he's acting as if he has some integrity.
Tx Wikipedia
So, at the beginning before US was even involved, and when the fighting was far off, in Asia.
Other than Gettysburg toward the end of the war, the Northern states were not a battleground during the Civil War, it was not occupied or attacked and the population did not flee. Voting occurred only in the Northern states.
but yes, I think this is the way Thor satanic dictators think.
Been saying this for years.
Trump. and. Musk. work. for. Vladimir. Putin.
Don't become what you hate. Bigotry is a slippery slope. x
Things'll get BAD, globally.
And it's weak sauce bullsh*t that will gain 0 traction in Ukraine.
They really think their stupid, venal, lies will work on Ukraniains?
Step foot in-country, Elno...
There is a big difference !
The oligarchs bought and paid for MSN … in the US
Maga propaganda = Fox Entertainment !
When he xits, they listen.
It's a shonda.
Dump them.
Dump his businesses.
Then start on Thiel.
And then the Air B&B guy.
Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, Hungary, Serbia, Moldova (next). I think he’s too late to grab the Baltic States
That's why the GOP here wants to change Nebraska to a winner-take-all state and Lindsey Graham came here to try to push that before the election.
1) press was not silenced. That’s straight projection from a man that bought a social media company to suppress opposition and who works for an administration that suppresses news outlets
2) its in Ukraines constitution that there are not to be elections during war times
How about the US? Not looking too good lately.
Hypocrites through and through.
It was widely reported that Trump took millions of dollars from Putin's bank between 2017 and 2020.
Is there a reason that was not followed up on and why there were no calls for prosecutions?
Obama would have been lynched for taking funds from a U.S. bank.
Get him down. Root cause.
I wish I could see into the future, but I'll have wait to find out in about 4-years if the US will have an election, since Trump said, "You'll never have to vote again".
Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love
Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da
Oh and BTW, can you let AP back into the Whitehouse while you are at it?
Maybe give Puerto Rico and DC representation?
1. Their constitution prevents it while under martial law. (You know there is a war on)
2. If you put a lot of civilians in a designate place. Russia bombs them.
3. Half their population is abroad thanks to, you know. War and stuff.
--Thomas Jefferson
Something, constructive, must be done before 1st 90 days or it's over.