"Once again, Republicans are proving that their defining 2024 campaign theme - fighting for hardworking people and against the wealthy establishment - was a lie all along."
A must-read piece on the crisis emerging for the GOP from @andrewbatesnc.bsky.social.
A must-read piece on the crisis emerging for the GOP from @andrewbatesnc.bsky.social.
Then, just like Zelenskyy today, they will bully us all into thanking them for a crust of bread. And there will be peace, as long at they are praised for it, and no one raises a finger against them.
God bless Ukraine
I stand with Ukraine and democracy.
It'll be time to send the military to Washington to restore order. And arrest the entire cabinet and advisors.
For treason and sedition against the United States.
If you work for a living and vote Republican, you are a Pawn for the rich. Brilliant.
There were more marches and protests by this time his first term.
Get out there and put an end to this shit show
Start buying from local small businesses, it'll add up over time, especially when more people move in that direction. No way to go? Need Amazon? Offer your neighbors and friends a lift if they can't make it away from Amazon or Walmart or whatever. Lift each other up in little ways!!
They are banking on removing our democracy before the midterms.
The white plantation class then & white tech billionaires now harness white resentment and fear with the promise to protect white privilege with legalized white supremacy. The steady demotion of Blacks in federal government and the ruination of DEI serves white fragility
The sickest part is they somehow convinced many of those same people to cheer that fight on at their own expense.
Me and I did not fall or the okey-doke. Knew this was coming it’s worse than I could think of cause I’m not evil! But no surprises!
Also our freedom loving allies are looking at us with a jaded eye 👁️
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy: "I will wear costume after this war will finish.
#FuckTrump #Resist #IStandWithUkraine #Felon47
The Queen sure wouldn’t!
Record breaking unemployment
No Medi-Cal insurance available
No disease and infection control
No SNAP, no clean air or water
High inflation when the tariffs are in place.
No safety net.
No air traffic control.
No cancer or disease research.
No vaccines available.
What can go wrong??
Do they like how he humiliates people, mocks people, loves Putin, wants to do away with most federal agencies that help Americans, wants to give money to the rich
Are these their Values?
Fascism = bad.
Republicans = bad.
It’s the economy, Stupid
Maybe when maga dies (God willing someday soon) it can be resurrected from the ashes.
I prefer multiple parties than 2 parties, but if it comes down to Dems vs MAGA, there's no chance for political debate and growth.
Isnt economics a science?
You dont mess with a countries economics as if it were an expandable rocket, that you can toss for scrap and rebuild in 3 days -its a much more sensitive system. In this case: rocket science is much simpler! 💡
But it looks like he didn’t learn anything,
To our enduring National shame & embarrassment, the world just witnessed his deal making skillz on display!
The other leader left the country without signing!
So, what the heck did you vote for?
1) Destroy Economy
2) Destroy post-WW2 American led world order that serves American interests and makes the USA wealthy and strong.
3) Repatriation of Rapists
4) Dismantle Democracy
5) Release Jan 6 assholes
6) Make entire world hate us
7) Suck Putin’s balls
Hunter Biden's latpop
all of it pathetic, transparent crap.
feasted on by fools and useful idiots.
Right??? 🙄