He can't crawl into JD's sex machine tonight, and he can't smile past the biggest mistake look on his face. He probably wants to go cry but FOTUS would fire his ass if he ran out of the room.
No matter how true and satisfying, I don’t think name calling is effective. Stick with the facts - what’s actually happening, who is being hurt and what are the consequences. And keep it simple.
Lil' Marco knew what he was getting into and he deserves all of the blame that he gets. No one that works for Trump gets away with their reputation intact and most are charged criminally. I wish all of those things for Rubio who has lowered himself in his quest for power.
Exactly. He was the most mainstream of all his picks - but that's not saying much since the others are all freaks! But, if he has any self respect, he should feel greatly embarrassed to be a part of all this!
After the awful Zelenskyy mtg, John Bolton said that was the moment that Rubio needed to resign if he would have any chance of regaining his self respect and credibility. Guess not.
Agree. He clearly, no matter what he claims, felt very uncomfortable - I mean, you can't DENY that face!! And yet, he stayed on and knew he was in the news for it, and so he immediately tweeted out lies to please the felon!!!
Rubio failed the test... they're ALL culpable now.
Supposedly, the DOGE website has a wall of receipts. However, CBS had a guest on today that said that many of the items on the wall of receipts contain known errors. I will post it if I can find a copy of it online.
Imagine hearing you’re being thrown under the bus before the bus gets there, and smiling and laughing about it. That there folks, is the face of a stool pigeon stooge. Good luck, Marco! I hope selling your integrity and soul is worth licking Trump’s ass 🕳️ #StateOfTheUnion #NationalEmbarrasment
Lol. Rubio is trying to blink twice for help but everyone who could got removed from their post on the government. That's what America will look like for at least the next two years. We are going to storm the voting polls. I have a feeling they are going to try to hack voting machines.
You think they are merely going to try to hack the voting machines? We could very well be at the point where have to fight to make sure that we even get to hold an election in OUR DEMOCRACY.
5. Misuse of Asset Forfeiture – Seizing assets before conviction undermines the presumption of innocence.
6. Unfair Trials – Biased jury selection or misleading evidence can violate the 6th Amendment’s fair trial protections.
3. Inadequate Notice – Failure to properly inform defendants of charges may breach 5th Amendment due process rights.
4. Coercive Plea Bargaining – Pressuring Black providers into harsher plea deals than white counterparts may violate equal protection.
1. Selective Prosecution – Disproportionate targeting compared to white counterparts may indicate racial bias, violating the 14th Amendment.
2. Lack of Probable Cause – Investigations based on weak evidence may lead to unjust scrutiny, violating the 4th Amendment.
We have every member of the Republican Administration, in Der Thrump's cabinet and in Congress, in the media and the courts, along with their Robber Baron schmucks, and some members of the Democratic Party, to hold accountable for the fascist seizure of our country.
Trump is all stream of consciousness - I bet he was told foreign policy clusterfuck no problem 'it's Rubio's fault - it's his job - if it doesn't work out blame rubio.' Enjoy the big piece of shit pie you deserve Marco, unlike the civil service who have done nothing to deserve it.
Turns out this is not a picture of Marco Rubio at the Oval. Sources have confirmed that it was taken in the Rubio home. It is the chair he is forced to sit in, while another man pounds his wife.
That look on Little Marco Rubio face at the end of this clip is the face you make when you’ve handed your soul to the devil and he immediately wipes his ass with it and throws it in the fire.
What we used to refer to this look as a "shit-eating grin." The kind of face you wear when the school bully says something humiliating to you in front of your girlfriend.
Democrats were just sitting there because they are complicit. Only Al Green showed any backbone. AOC gets all the media hype but does nothing. The Democrats are now the loyal opposition party.
He found Rubio so ineffectual that Marky became the Orange Mob’s first casualty, yet Rubio will trudge on, mumbling vague promises about making… something, something, great.. someday, maybe. ❤️🇨🇦
Trump has never had allies. He’s repeatedly and consistently shown that anyone but him, is to be exploited and then discarded. It’s mind boggling how these pathetic wannabes convince themselves “it will be different for me”.
Right there, that's where Rubio got set up to be the whipping boy for Trump's foreign policy failures. Trump always let us know what he's going to do by making a little joke about it beforehand. And Rubio deserves every bit of humiliation Trump dishes out.
Marco’s smile turns into a sad little face. A face that know the reality of his situation. “Fuck I’m screwed either way. Why the hell did I agree to this?”
Get hired by a guy who regularly throws people under the bus and you’re gonna be a scapegoat too. Looks like Rubio had the same “everyone else but not me” attitude prevalent in this country.
Rubio's botox injections are making him look bloated in the face
What is it that all of the FELONS political cronies get their face worked on🤔
Could the FELON get a kickback from the plastic surgeon?
Nah, he wouldn't do that, that would be unethical😣
Oops! Those two guys behind the leader forgot to take their notebooks and pencils with them. Good coordination of choreography may save them from worst punishment, with help from poor Marco, who can’t be saved, for not looking happy enough. In any case, North Korea will see this as weakness. Smile!
"Little Marco" as the convicted felon has called him needs to be asked his position on NATO and if he supports America leaving the alliance. Most of know the answer but making it public record is important .
Why give up? Democrats are so good at "we can't win that disctrict" that we often don't even have a candidate. The election is April 1st. If Musk/Trump continue at current pace we could/should be able to flip one of these seats. We MUST try. I donated to all 3 of these on https://oath.vote.
Nope, it will be sane washed as a joke.
What ever happened to the lady who is supposed to be in charge of doge, no mention of her after being thrown under the bus. Because it’s still musk this and musk that.
I'd say it was his conscience if I thought he had one.
tator, convicted melon,...
Rubio failed the test... they're ALL culpable now.
*Throws him the keys
Rubio: "Where am I taking this thing?"
Trump: Wherever you think you'll be most comfortable... underneath it."
After all, every accusation from the Felon is an actual confession.
Check out
Rubio looks just as scared as Russia’s Intelligence chief. The feeling of maybe falling from a window…
Remember this one?
Also, not if, but when
6. Unfair Trials – Biased jury selection or misleading evidence can violate the 6th Amendment’s fair trial protections.
4. Coercive Plea Bargaining – Pressuring Black providers into harsher plea deals than white counterparts may violate equal protection.
2. Lack of Probable Cause – Investigations based on weak evidence may lead to unjust scrutiny, violating the 4th Amendment.
The DOJ’s handling of Medicaid fraud cases involving Black healthcare providers may raise due process concerns, including:
Yuckyuck, hahaha, lolzlolzlolz
Because it was always going to be the fault of his brain dead, unqualified IKEA cabinet.
Trump Iying about everything.
Trump is psychotic.
Watching CLIPS of Putin's Agent DJT Krasnov's
USAmerican NIGHTMARE Speech
Was like watching a PRISON Take OVER by
Criminally Corrupted Russian RepubliKKKlan MAGA-Maniacs
&Democrats JUST SITTING there looked like Guard Hostages
with Signs that mean Help-Us
They're suppose to HELP US
Nah, actually, fuck that lily-livered little lickspittle.
You could watch the color wash from his face.
Marco "the mollusk" Rubio
He will turn on every GOP'er in the room if he feels he has to
And then Putin turns against his puppet.... where will that leave America? 😔
In heist movies, the thieves always start snitching on each other
His fault.
Promise everything, deliver nothing, blame someone else.
What is it that all of the FELONS political cronies get their face worked on🤔
Could the FELON get a kickback from the plastic surgeon?
Nah, he wouldn't do that, that would be unethical😣
What the fuck!
History will not be kind to little fkn Marco!
History will not be kind to Rubio and deservedly so.
I'll be honest, kinda hits like a
"I wouldn't even wish that feeling on my worst enemy." kind of pain.
He knows where he is now... and he looked terrified.
Districts are gerrymandered for a reason.
It's a feature, not a bug.
Asking for a friend.
What ever happened to the lady who is supposed to be in charge of doge, no mention of her after being thrown under the bus. Because it’s still musk this and musk that.