Great job, MAGA!
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Kudlow: "Very smart people are telling me the Feb. jobs number coming out Friday could be flat, even negative. The GDP tracker from Atlanta Fed is showing for the Q1 a -2.5 or -2.8%. We've had lousy numbers on things like housing & biz investment ... we're gonna have to suffer through some bad news"
what is the end goal that will make this needed suffering 'worth it' for the average non-billionaire American?
They’ll be suffering over job loss, higher prices for food, and concerns for the future under an autocrat supported by a legislature abdicating its responsibilities.
Worst Record on Job Creation
of All Presidents
💙💛💙💛💙💛 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🇲🇽 🇪🇺 "Slava Ukraini"
Spending, any spending, is part of GDP.
... because who has anything better to do than that.
I bet his base absolutely believes this.
.. these jobs aren't jobs like McDonald's or retail.
Ignorant Americans blame the fireman for the GD fire.
It's everyone else that suffers
Trump never feels that pain that others suffer....
#Palestine Punish Voters
ALL These Voters are Learning The Hard Way!
And, Making *Everyone Else's* Life Miserable!
🇺🇸 🗽
But he said he would. So is he a liar? (Duh)
I'm going open Al Capones vault.
Trust among allies is eroded so badly where will America be after 4 years.
This cannot be vets or any other it has to be immigrants young voters, nurse, cops across the country.
Stop this madness 🇺🇸🇺🇸
An inheritance squandered in 6 weeks.
Imagine what he can do in 208 weeks.
Oh yeah, 2020 happened.
We don't have to imagine.
Oh, wait....
Ghoul. Choke on your numbers bich
"Oh, but he's good for the economy"
You've screwed us all.
Why do the people with the smallest brains always have the most giant mouths?
So screw you Fox! This is totally Trump’s mess.
Oh that's right, sycophants don't see the world as it really is.
But that is not what Putin wants.
So he decided to fuck it up completely.
Jokes aside, DO NOT let this ghoul and his pass this message that.
Hammer the SHIT they are doing to fuck over the average american.
When numbers are bad, Blame Biden. When the numbers are good, credit Trump.
Who needs a job, a house and a functioning economy when you have that?
U-S-A! U-S-A!
How to destroy the economy in 44 days: bumbling into Wall St & saying people could loose $, fucking with all of our allies, starting pointless trade wars, nazi shit, randomly gutting our government, praising dictators
Helping track - and prevent - a new PANDEMIC!
Cutting staff at the FAA! The CDC! The VA Hospital Systems!
Finding out that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme!
We are SUCH a lucky country!
so. delusion and stupidity in human beings never runs low.
Did I get that right?
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
But don't worry! The 1% will be OK.
all I hear is brookie
not one single other word🙄🙄🙄🙄
The Fudgemuppet IS FUD personified.
Every down could have been an up.
Every loss could have been a gain.
Every democracy could have remained a friend.
Every foe could have been held in check.
Every hurt could have vern healed
This is the other path …