Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries chats with us about Trump's plummeting approval and the disastrous Republican CR that is now being blocked by Democrats in the Senate.
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I just read that this provision was added to the CR that is coming to the Senate. “each day for the remainder of the 119th Congress shall not constitute a calendar day for purposes of section 202 of the National Emergencies”
So they are giving up the ability to end a National Emergency?? You were soft on him, and he deserves to be pressed harder next time, especially when he tries to brush off the “angry people” as the “progressives” and then goes right on assuming its business as usual. Like they are out there kissing babies for votes 😒
Yeah he certainly didn’t win my support back. He’s like my blind dog walking into the same wall over, and over, and over. But that wall, it doesn’t move. Eventually the dog figures out he has to move, and Jeffries would do best if he learned that sooner than later.
We need to shut it down. Trump will try to executive order his way out of it, and then the stock markets will crash, and then US Treasuries will crash. It will be painful. A deep recession is certain. But war is upon us and this battle must be fought.
Bravo! Hakeem. Someone must say that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes! These members of the Great Fascist Party, have one goal, and that is to make the First Felon the king, and everyone else, his slaves. Americans must wake up and realize what is happening right in front of them.
Jeffries is going to run for president and be like I’m not going to be like that guy but nothing is going to change. They helped get us into this mess. He won’t tax the rich. Fuck that guy.
Reps and Senate can be called
Repeatedly when you use speed dial
Tell them you prefer
when they prostrate
themselves before
better look
and so much quicker...
when he sends Elon
over to ream them.
Take OUR jobs
OUR retirement.
If they use the plan to go meet voters face to face and get out from behind computer screens and answering machines, they are hearing voices like mine.
Here’s the problem with It/he gave us hope during the first Trump presidency that Trump was going to crash and burn and end up in jail. I don’t see that happening this time since it didn’t happen last time. Trump is winning. What can we do about it?
Most of the Dems are spineless, including AOC. She has done nothing to stand up to Trump. She couldn't even be bothered to show up at the SOTU and stand up with Rep Green. That the dems have been mostly silent on him being evicted and censured says everything about the party.
Why did Senator Schumer cancel his interview with y’all? Probably because he is trying to strong arm Democrats into voting yes on the CR. The Republican House,Senate and President need to own this mess! Not one Democrat should vote yes!
Sadly, unless all the 77 million people that they say voted for Trump storm the White House together, it’s too late! All we can do is what we’re doing and continue to get ready for the worst, if it comes. Again, what part of a fourth grade intellect and 34 felony convictions did you not get?
I understand the anger in these posts but direct you're anger where it belongs. Blame the supporters that put the orange menace in charge or those that didn't vote. America we the people put those asshole in office because we are ignorant or racist or some of us were outnumbered.
No. This is the time to demand more from all of them. They helped create this and they have not helped the working class. He takes millions from corporations to sit on his hands and do nothing.
Up today but only because it's buy in day. Sell because tomorrow it will get slapped again with massive selloff. Shorts needed more money in the pot. And trump allowed the perfect storm to further reduce maga
I can’t help but feel these headlines are utterly useless. No real change is happening and no one will save the American working class when this is all over… We all know Dems will fuck us
I think you overestimate the power Dem’s have when not holding a majority in any branch of the government. Acts of resistance are futile at this point. All they have is messaging to the electorate, and the electorate is so ignorant right now I don’t know how much good it would do.
Trump Manufactured so, the billionaires do a buy back to the tech, healthcare ect. Bail them out after Billionaire make their money. Revolt. Its all illegal!!!
Hope does more than chats & pathetic placards. If dems can’t fight for democracy they don’t deserve support. I’m sooo over all talk no fight Dems. We are about to totally lose democracy. Stop talking and fight.
Read the comments, sick of the spineless weakness from him & Schumer. And also sick of your hyperbolic “he’s crashing now kids” thumbnails. They keep right on tearing it all down no matter how much you post “fed up with trump” clickbait
It would be nice if approval ratings had any real meaning to them, but it’s the Representatives and Congress’s job to impeach the President which they don’t want to do because Trump is helping them get richer.
Australian here! Say goodbye to our alliance. Americans can come pick up your surveillance shit and you and your soldiers can fuck off. Oh and if you come to visit and you support Trump, you will be stopped by Immigration. As with our fellow Commonwealth Nation Canada, don’t fuck with us.
That idiot wanting to annex Canada doesn’t even know that you’re part of the Commonwealth. I can’t believe how stupid he and his minions are 😂 WTF? Does he want to take us all on?
In the state of Florida I hear NOTHING. Fredrica Wilson is a former School Board Member and with cuts to the DOE, she & all Florida Democrats are dead silent. No town hall, no newsletter, nothing. The Democrats are to dam weak and silent. rREP stick with their NUT no matter what. Dam them DEMS.
How about the DNC & he (& Schumer) discuss having DAILY media avails on the Capitol steps where the Dems discuss the day’s regressions and articulate the Dems “equal & opposite” agenda/action plan.
. . . This, of course, assumes they would have such motivation & a strategy to discuss.
If such an attack on Veterans continues, cutting Veteran’s programs, cutting their care etc- then every single person in the Armed Forces should resign their posts till everyone responsible for this resigns from political office.
Fuck him and every dem who waved a fucking ping pong paddle thinking it would scratch even the surface of what's going on.
The democratic party is dead and we witnessed it in real time. BREAK OUT THE GUILLOTINES. Then you'll have the full support of the American people.
Trump - Who cares about education. I am an extremely stupid unpatriotic MORON and people voted for me. I stole from Veteran small business owners and people voted for me. I tried to overthrow the government and people voted for me.
Jeffries is a coward, a sellout, and incompetent. Grow a pair and do something, or get the fuck out of the way so real leaders and people with character, integrity and bravery can take up the fight against Trump, Elon and MAGA cause he's shown he's either complicit or not up for the challenge.
Medias Touch, I want to love you with everything I got but mostly you are equally as sensational and cheap as HuffPost or Occupy Democrats. Please stick to actual journalism and not this kind of bullshit
Surprised Jeffries can still chat with anyone. He’s done nothing but talk since 1/20. He has proven that he’s gutless. Get back to us when he has a plan of action.
(With a few exceptions that I will keep to myself) they should all be replaced. Across the board, Rep and Dem can go kick rocks. The midterms need to be a sea change, a paradigm shift, brand new blood in all the seats.
Please tell him to be loud and vocal & to read the room. 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️Also tell him to hold press conferences.
When Covid 19 first hit, Gov. Andrew Cuomo kept us informed and held press conferences. Here we are at another crisis and…
We The People need to hear from our leaders on action plans. No recaps.
Was there an old white woman who recently had hip surgery with him? I've given up on him and schumer. They are not the leaders for this battle. They don't seem to want to upset trump. They need to step aside
Hakeem is a worthless punk bitch. He didn't watch an R rated movie till he was 23 and he still asked his moms permission and fast forwarded the nude scenes
I feel compelled to point out that, while I of course agree with these sentiments, anyone can issue a statement. I see no mention of any plan to fight this. Any of this.
Stop talking to Jeffries! He's already cozied up to robber barons who want to take everything from us! He lacks spine to fight! We need real leadership like Jasmine Crockett or AOC!
The average American is having to fight harder and take time off work when it is a politician's job to fight for justice and speak for those who don't have positions of power. But I guess book tours are more important than the lives of the people.
Resist call your senators before they vote for this disaster of an agreement passed by the House that guts so many programs- this will hurt many citizens.
Economic neoliberal Dems still operate as if we are in an old white guy establishment institutionalist rule of law world instead a white christian nationalist nazi world.
They want to keep sucking corporate donor dick and are setting themselves up as Vichy appeasers mixed with Fetterman Quislings.
Does anyone suspect that Musk is doing this outrageous stuff with social security cuts to distract us from something? Transfer out of the funds or extortive, destructive measures?
I'm pretty fed up with Jeffries too. The comments here suggest I'm not alone.
His failure to lead the opposition has led me to the conclusion that there likely IS no opposition; that the majority of Dems have been silent partners in the coup. And they'll continue to do nothing to save us.
We love life. We deserve your support. Save the children Don't stay silent, donate, share, help Your small donation helps save a family.Thank you all
So they are giving up the ability to end a National Emergency??
Repeatedly when you use speed dial
Tell them you prefer
when they prostrate
themselves before
better look
and so much quicker...
when he sends Elon
over to ream them.
Take OUR jobs
OUR retirement.
Thanks for keeping people informed and involved
More weak neoliberal garbage.
We saw leadership with the Dem who DEMANDED an elected official be called upon with respect.
Take the damn gloves off!
Follow Canada’s lead
. . . This, of course, assumes they would have such motivation & a strategy to discuss.
The democratic party is dead and we witnessed it in real time. BREAK OUT THE GUILLOTINES. Then you'll have the full support of the American people.
Anyone/everything with this message. We have ONE day to keep them from cowering.
Surely, polls don’t lie, tho….
General Strike
Sign and share
So its always going to be their fault also.
Fuck me sideways that bitch rigged the fucking primaries.
• Sort this shit out!
What a fucking disappointment!
This is why I am using such ugly language.
Jesus fucking Christ!!!
When Covid 19 first hit, Gov. Andrew Cuomo kept us informed and held press conferences. Here we are at another crisis and…
We The People need to hear from our leaders on action plans. No recaps.
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
Now…roll up your sleeves and slap somebody upside the head.
Meanwhile AOC and Bernie are doing townhalls in red districts
More Green, less Hakeem!!!
They want to keep sucking corporate donor dick and are setting themselves up as Vichy appeasers mixed with Fetterman Quislings.
His failure to lead the opposition has led me to the conclusion that there likely IS no opposition; that the majority of Dems have been silent partners in the coup. And they'll continue to do nothing to save us.