Trump sparks a major constitutional crisis, pro-democracy protests break out across the world, indies turn against Trump—but Dems find their popularity is sinking as voters demand change, and more. Watch the MeidasTouch Podcast at 8p ET/5p PT!
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And then what.
Change the thumbnail and random words about Trump and you have a thousand videos like that
What are you worth now anyways?
50 million?
It's tough to add your holdings up.
Who knows what the political landscape will be in 3 or 4 years time. Perhaps an independent candidate might stand a better chance against the Republicans, if there is an election.
Voters looking to Congressional Dems & the courts to save their democracy are delusional. Nothing is going to stop the GOP juggernaut other than themselves.
is an American warship on fire in the red sea? Has an Israeli ship been hit and is sinking from American friendly fire after being mistaken for an Iranian spy ship? Is the red sea closed at the bottleneck by the Houthis ? Did Pete Hegseth just suffer defeat in the red sea by dirt poor Houthi rebels?
If you haven’t seen them yet, check out these documentary’s, The Corporation and The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel. Very informative.
Is Mike Johnson having gender affirming intervention? Looks like it is in a video on your show running now.
He, as well as some other Rs are getting some serious work done, and some are even using a certain orange hue in their faces.
The Dems need to hurry up and elect new leadership and find a direction, or we will lose the mid-terms and beyond. Get real. Speak up and out
. Loudly.
don’t know who needs to hear this right now but having your Social Security taken away is going to hurt way more than the price of eggs.WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA.. STAND UP AND FIGHT REVOLT AGAINST THIS CRIMINAL TERRORIST ORGANIZATION PARTY
The Democrats are playing Tiddlywinks, while the Republicans are burning down the house, so yeah, the leadership needs changed in the failed Democratic party.
I'd like to see AOC as House Minority Leader, Jamie Raskin as Senate Minority Leader and Katie Porter needs supported for a run again.
What the hell is wrong with these wimps. This isn't about YOU! This is about US! Get your head out of your misery, and MOVE ON. Get the old, loud farther out of your head. Portapotty couldn't find a teaspoon if it's not laid out for him. He doesn't know how to drive and probably can't .....
Every day, Donald Trump defies court orders because he knows he controls all law enforcement and the Supreme Court. Trump supporters need to pay close attention to this because when Donald Trump turns on you, and he will, there will be nobody to stop him.
There's dems fighting in courts, fighting in local government, the entire house of reps voted no, most of the senate voted no, there's dem town halls being set up in red districts by the DNC, there's support pouring to winning WI and FL. Dems are fighting just not these 10 fucks
Why aren’t constituents aren’t able to DM (D)Senators? MAGA much Chuck? Can you and your “party” put down your wallets?
We need an apology and resignations! Starting with you! Let’s get you and your maga pals out of government. You stole enough of our money.
The best messaging is based on truth. Maga is dangerously pushing pure propaganda. If you can get idiots to really believe fake bs pushed by fat fascists that working, tax paying, legal immigrants in Ohio are eating white peoples’ pets, even after it was debunked in real time! That’s fascism.
What we need to do is move the goalposts back to the middle or even further left through consistent and effective messaging. And that message should be centered around pro labor and civil rights. With constant and consistent messaging, we can normalize democracy instead of fascism. #resist #3E
Forget about DC party leadership. People have to peacefully march in the streets, participate in the economic blackouts, and they need to block walk and phone bank for Democrats in 2026 assuming there are still elections. The same dozen party activists standing on a street corner won't cut it.
I agree, Trump & the GOP Goons can burn it all down & be the ones entirely responsible for this nightmare, whilst holding the WH & both Congress, but oooh no, they are only doing this because …Democrats. Ffs, if that’s what ppl believe, the Country is fucked forever. 🙄🤨
Trump and Netanyahu are coordinating to escalate fighting in the Middle East in order to avoid accountability in courts. We are going to see them wag the dog.
We vote Democrats to office to reflect our voices because they are the only ones with the damn microphone and a congressional vote.Then they pull a lame 180 and vote to favor Republican policies.Of coarse we are pissed! We need strong democrats and not back slappin cronies who go-along-to-get-along.
I can understand why some are ticked at the democrats but the real reason we’re where we are, is bc of the weak ass repugnants that will not push back on drumpf, I hold them totally responsible !!!!
Trump has radically taken America to the extreme right. Ordinary Americans knows what is happening and are not happy Dems are sitting tight and not responding to protect privileges, rights, liberties and freedoms. Ordinary Americans are wanting drastic action to protect the constitution!
Voters? The people whose votes, or lack thereof, handed the election to trump are now not supporting Democrats? The difference being...? And what are those people actually doing to ameliorate any part of the situation ( besides whining)? And what are you actually doing besides chatting?
HUGE! On Saturday, April 5th, we're taking to the streets nationwide to fight back with a clear message: Hands off our Democracy! Every city, every concerned citizen. If you can walk, you should be there. We will show up in millions. #massmobilization
There are excellent Dems doing their best to meet the moment. AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Al Green, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy, Bernie Sanders, Mark Kelly, JB Pritzker, Tim Walz, Janet Mills, Michigan’s Big Gretch — they are kicking ass on the daily. Schumer and the milquetoast caucus have to GO.
Clearly, democrats expect that we the people, who are being wronged by Trump, will destroy Trump and the republicans without democrat politicians having to raise a finger. The feckless democrats in congress better update their resumes because they too will begin looking for work after the midterms.
Seeing the dehumanising of those people was horrifying. Yes, if proven to be gang members, no problem with deportation. But even more frightening is the blatant disregard for The Rule of Law
I think we are at the pivotal point. Trump is asserting dictatorship like power, ignoring the courts…doing so primarily in the deportation area because the rights being violated belong to “brown” people and not “white” people. If you haven’t protested or called or SOMETHING, it’s now or never!
Me too. Yall talk a good game but performance in the streets is meh at best. The US government has been overthrown and people think a couple lectures from Bernie Sanders is going to stop it. Give your head a shake, you're all hostages to a madman.
I sincerely hope that Meidas touch will watch this video and get this guy on your podcast IMMEDIATELY. Something did not seem right from the beginning, and this research validates my suspicions. I believe this is the"big secret" Trump referenced. It's long, but worth it.
Pardon my language, but the amount of shit that the American population is willing to take without any action whatsoever is absolutely unfathomable. Not only is "our" government failing us, but we are failing ourselves.
Dems need to start referring to Daffy Donald, Daffy Donald Duck. Never again should he enjoy being called Donald Trump or (gasp) President Trump. It’s Daffy Donald and his crazy clown car syndicate.
Next step is to turn away from dollar to euro world wide due to Trump`s tariffs. That will hurt the US economy a lot more than the tariffs and a fair an well overdue task seeing how the US treats it allies. USD will half in value when loosing status.
Convict trump? Don't you mean Biden sparked a major Constitutional Crisis by Illegally allowing an Insurrectionist to Secede him? Biden SHOULD have found Convict trump OFFICIALLY unfit or ineligible for office! He didn't because you hurt his feelings for choosing Kamala over him get it right Meidas!
The maga SCOTUS ruled that A Sitting POTUS has full immunity for Official Acts in the performance of his legal duties! Convict trump the Nation Under God INSURRECTIONIST Lucifer's Apprentice did incite an Insurrection on Jan 6 and according to the 14th Section 3 Insurrection is a disqualifying
Disability prohibiting anyone who participates, aids or incites and Insurrection against the United States of America CANNOT hold the office of POTUS. Biden should have found Convict trump unfit and ineligible to Secede his office and asked Congress to accept his Official Act or vote by 2/3 vote in
Each house of congress to remove the disability that is Insurrection from the 14th Section 3 making it legal for Convict trump to then Secede the office of the POTUS as A Nation Under god INSURRECTIONIST Lucifer's Apprentice! Since the maga majority of Congress new they couldn't get 2/3 of either
House they completely ignored the Constitutional process and Biden could have declared Convict trump unfit Ineligible and disqualified to SECEDE him and Kamala would have become the winner of the election! Since Biden's ego was hurt he simply ignored hi oath of office to protect All of We the people
The fact that the DNC is losing respect from their own constituents, during a time like this, really goes to show just how absolutely fucking useless they are.
Democrats are too afraid of offending even the smallest of liberal segments that they cede the entire game. Maybe…just maybe…most Americans DO support trans rights but DON’T want transgender athletes tipping the scales in their child’s sport? 🤷♂️
Love my senators but love my country more. No more donations to the Senate Dems until they elect a fighter to lead us out of this fascistic wilderness. #NotOnePEnny #GoTellChuck he hurts his party and his country by clutching to political leadership.
Yes. Everything needs to change. Without a rigged system the GOP doesn’t exist and with exceptions to a short few, democrats have been silent and even gave in as Chuck did. The Media is for billionaires and the truth is hidden from the people. SCOTUS is corrupted and Trump is insane. Change is now.
Underground tip the rulers- China America and Russia will be standardized with authoritarian capitalism.United military with 8 million troops& tells the groups to organize and march on 50 capitals led by vets. Surround capitals peacefully,induce martial law!
Democratic popularity is sinking because the Democratic representatives are insufficiently opposing the autocratic takeover of our government. They're lame, and we need leadership now more than ever.
The US two party system has failed. It is time to create a multi party system with a labor party, a liberal party and an ordinary conservative party which together can defeat the ~20% a MAGA or Nazi party would have got.
Democrats not taking Congress OR Senate in 2026 after being gifted wins by Republicans from two years of chaos and death? Entirely on brand at this point.
I always wonder how thankful for Trump these independent media folks are. If you took out the Trump content from their profiles, they wouldn’t have much.
Seriously 95% of Meidas content exists solely to crap on Trump. No action, just:
look what Trump did now, it’s outrageous! Click like & subscribe
We've been hearing the term "constitutional crisis" over and over. There's a lot of information about it on Wikipedia, but this is my take on what that means under the Musk/Trump authoritarian regime:
I’m thinking there are a few gems on that list that could be aimed at MAGA to ‘re-doctrinate’ the very few who are finally getting a lil’ whiff of rat. The folks who keep flapping jaws about “messaging” could try “He turned traitor! The leftover Biden admin talked him into coming for your guns!”
We've been hearing the term "constitutional crisis" over and over. There's a lot of information about it on Wikipedia, but this is my take on what that means under the Musk/Trump authoritarian regime:
The US needs a real overhaul of its pol. system, from the bottom up. The two-party system is dead. The question is whether the emerging pathocratic anocracy has time to entrench itself or collapses from its own contradictions. Usually, the latter lead to econ disaster or stagnation, or war.
So, to get this straight, you blame the Dems for why Trump won the election? If you do, are you realizing that you're saying that they're the ones responsible for why our democracy died?
Do you even realize that you're saying that the Dems are responsible for why Trump invoked the Alien Enemy Act and violated a court order this past week by blaming them for Trump's win? All of this is screwed up.
No one is harder on Dems than Dems. From purity tests for liberalism to having no room for differing policy stances. I understand, truly. We’ve seen the right stand together for so long. It is how Trump got elected the first time. The fell in line and supported him, even if they didn’t agree. (1/2)
The Schumer issue is a perfect example. While overall I agree that he is weak, should step down from leadership. He also has a point-we can’t afford to shut down the courts right now, in September we will be in a better position and he didn’t want to hurt any slim chance in the April 1 elections.
Bro, ur allowed to criticize the Dems and be against the Republicans. Dems really haven't done much to combat the current administration or their policies. We should expect better from the people WE elect to office. Also your putting a whole lotta words in op's mouth...
And we need to do it because liberal, communist, socialist, neoliberal, leftist at least for the most part we live in the same reality and can be productive in our conversations. Mostly.
We NEED a different strategy going forward because what we have is absolutely not working anymore.
The media would be helping the grassroot movement grow and become stronger...
- if they only informed their audiences about it and covered the darn protests!
Too many, inside & outside of USA, don't even know there has been any protests. This last Friday's veteran march was perhaps the biggest yet.
Seeing the misogynist rapist, McGregor, in the White House on St. Paddy's day, was the biggest insult to Ireland and us Irish. Our Taoiseach was only allowed in last week, a rapist got in on St. Paddy's day. Insulting big time.
There are Democrats speaking out and taking action. They just aren't getting as much attention as the go along to get along leaders. The Democrats need strong leaders in Congress and elsewhere who will look at the polls and say "Nowhere to go but up!"
The biggest/best tool of Trump & the Republican party is LIES! Every statement out of Trump's mouth is saturated with lies and false narratives but the media continues to swarm over him giving him free access to amplify his lies.
That's why 46% of America still support his horrific first 50 days!
We fucking need a competent third option. No, libertarians or the green party aren't it. We need an actual left option. Not "slightly right of center but our Overton window is so fucked up people think they're left" like the Democrats.
They're than Republicans by far but they still suck.
Gotta take back the democratic party with the country so evenly split, gotta support the outspoken progressives in the house, third parties spoil success
Honestly we never truly had it. It's been the "lesser evil" for most of my 49 years alive. ( Go a Bit further back and it was the greater evil, but today's conservatives like to pretend the "Southern Strategy" never happened and that the R are still the "party of Lincoln" while D are still KKK. )
Media needs to stop helping Putin disinformation designed to destroy the only group standing between him and permanent takeover of US! Dems are not all the same!!!! Start shining a light on the ones who are fighting!!
The Democrats need to toss away the dream of saving the Republic using the Republic's laws and norms. We ALL can see that the disaster for our country is taking us over a cliff. If our party wants to survive, it needs to figure out how to fight THIS ENEMY!
If the Democratic Party really wanted change, they’d rename their party in a symbolic “out with old in with new” way or maybe merge with another party that holds most of the same values as democrats, the Progressive Party. It just speaks to change!
There is a great mini series on the rise of Hitler in Netflix. I think the elected dems need to watch it and come out with a plan otherwise they might find themselves victims of the next victims of the night of long knives.
It is time for a new political system. The duopoly is crumbling under the weight of its own overall collective inadequacy.
The U. S. needs a new name, a new flag, and a new political system. A multiparty, politically-pluralist Parliament, one that sharply limits presidential power, is essential.
The dems polling numbers is a distraction that is gaining traction from the right that is better adept at messaging. There were two parties, now there is only one that will fight for the people. The right is hoping a new party will take the dems out! Don’t get distracted
It's starting to appear that Trump is purposefully trying to sabotage the GOP, bc the majority of US Americans are going to vote opposite in any upcoming elections. Recall Trump attempted run as Dem party prez candidate? Now what? He's gonna save it by sinking GOP? 🤷♀️
Change the thumbnail and random words about Trump and you have a thousand videos like that
What are you worth now anyways?
50 million?
It's tough to add your holdings up.
You have to start talking about everything Trump is doing is to create chaos to make him look stronger!
He'll invoke enemies act and National Emergency 2028!
Arrest peaceful protesters!
Trump doesn't want to go!
He, as well as some other Rs are getting some serious work done, and some are even using a certain orange hue in their faces.
. Loudly.
I'd like to see AOC as House Minority Leader, Jamie Raskin as Senate Minority Leader and Katie Porter needs supported for a run again.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
There's dems fighting in courts, fighting in local government, the entire house of reps voted no, most of the senate voted no, there's dem town halls being set up in red districts by the DNC, there's support pouring to winning WI and FL. Dems are fighting just not these 10 fucks
Trump auto pen Pardons
What a hypocrite!
#autopen #BidenPardons #USDemocracy
We need an apology and resignations! Starting with you! Let’s get you and your maga pals out of government. You stole enough of our money.
There are people fighting still. My senators and house rep voted no and I sent them a thank you.
Pitch in at your local Dem party to get new folk elected that will also fight!
We DO need to up our propaganda game, though.
It is time to escalate peacefully it numbers that cannot be ignored.
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Stop sugar coating it, Ben.
He took a flame thrower to constitution weeks ago.
Get rid of him.
Now what the hell they thought DJT didn't also favor the wealth is beyond me.
All the universities?
‘We will discuss dividing the assets.’
Neither does any law or court in existence.
I thought was SPOT ON!!!
"MeidasTouch Podcast just widened its lead as the top podcast in the country, clocking just under 125 million downloads and views in the last month, according to Podscribe."
Next step is to turn away from dollar to euro world wide due to Trump`s tariffs. That will hurt the US economy a lot more than the tariffs and a fair an well overdue task seeing how the US treats it allies. USD will half in value when loosing status.
Tune in now:
Only concerned with marginalized communities and not recognizing that if you aren't a billionaire in America you're marginalized.
Seriously 95% of Meidas content exists solely to crap on Trump. No action, just:
look what Trump did now, it’s outrageous! Click like & subscribe
Cuz, ya know, why overreact?
We NEED a different strategy going forward because what we have is absolutely not working anymore.
- if they only informed their audiences about it and covered the darn protests!
Too many, inside & outside of USA, don't even know there has been any protests. This last Friday's veteran march was perhaps the biggest yet.
This woman is running for congress...she is a Maga nut case
If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
That's why 46% of America still support his horrific first 50 days!
They're than Republicans by far but they still suck.
The current "Dems" are way too soft, and are actually center-right on the political compass.
The U. S. needs a new name, a new flag, and a new political system. A multiparty, politically-pluralist Parliament, one that sharply limits presidential power, is essential.