Making what per hour? Not to mention we should expect our state taxes to increase as there is less funding from the federal government. Combined with lower quality state services - hitting roads and bridges-education-SNAP, etc. Living the dream: lower quality of life costing us more.
Bro doesn’t even care about us. He can’t even run again (consecutively). All he wants to do is position himself for higher office in the fascist regime. It’s worse than doing nothing. He’s using our suffering for points
Yep. Virginia should not be standing up as the closest state to DC ready to absorb federal job losses. The influx of newly available employees will FAR exceed the job availability.
He’ll try for state office and continue the election fund grift but he’ll get a cushy place on some think tank board or other. It’s how they metastasize.
Nah he’s a one time so called governor. Not all Virginians want an elitist rich guy running the store. His wife insisted their security people be well versed in horses. And I’m not talking plow horses.
My anger increases every time I read about how flippant these politicians are about people loosing their jobs.
They better be super careful, because they are playing with people’s lives and everyone isn’t going to take this lying down. Some people are at their wits end!
as you get the other recording regarding epstein there is only 1 queston that matters. When russia was working with Trump in the 80s and 90s - did Russian intel back then get a copy of the taps.
If you want to cut jobs in Virginia, start with yours! You are already extremely wealthy, you can certainly “weather” the loss in pay. Stop selling out our great BLUE state to the traitors in the federal government.
Spotsy where we are is approx an hr south. We voted Vindman into Congress. NoVA stretches through Loudoun, Fairfax, Manassis, Stafford, and down here to FXBG. (Plus Arlington, Alexandria). Folks have started taking the train up from Richmond in small cases. Good luck telling NoVA to F’off.
Youngkin cut a few state jobs upon taking office. For example, he cancelled the modest little interpretive program that showed visitors the role of slaves in the history of the Executive Mansion. Maybe it was too woke and made some feel bad about their ancestors’ roles in colonial labor relations.
Youngkin is a trimper. He's been kissing the felon's ass since he ran for governor. So, of course, he'll allow the felon to tank the Commonwealth's economy.
You would think Republicans cared about job creations and low unemployment, but for decades they don't care at all. Their whole stance is hypocritical, while idiots cheer them on by treating politics as a fucking sports team.
300K+ federal workers live in Virginia per the meeting held 2/22/25: Virginia’s Emergency Committee on the Impacts of Federal Workforce Reductions organized by Speaker Scott.
Apply Lessons Learned!
Here in #Virginia, The 2025 Elections:
- Governor
- Lt Governor
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
Help Turn Virginia TOTALLY BLUE Again!
Expect, "UNDUE ATTENTION", to All these races!
One Step At A Time!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
Let’s check back in a year when the applications for unemployment compensation soar, housing market is glutted and social services can’t meet the demand.
When the RepublicQans can't dazzle you with their dance, they will baffle you with their BS, and they're terrible at both dancing and BS'ing.
Your oppression is their profession
His job wasn’t cut so it is easy for him to be so blasé about it. When was the last time he talked with his constituents about what is going on in our country, in his state?
I can’t wait for my nice neighboring state to vote this sweatershirted creep out of office. That said, I almost wish he’d run for president for the GOP. People fell for his bs back then.
His term can’t end soon enough. He’s so out of touch with everyday Americans who don’t have net worths of $400 million plus like he does! Go back to your country club, Glenn!
Youngkin is a fool. He’s lost repub majorities in the house of delegates and the state senate. His failure will ensure Abigail Spanberger wins in Nov. it’s his only worthwhile accomplishment.
I don't have a citation other than an anecdotal comment, but I heard that Abigail is up by more than nine points. There will be no let-up, though. We at DEMS in VA will have to keep pushing! That said, I've seen PAC ads on YouTube against VA DEMS.
Let me fix this: "I, Glenn Youngkin, can cope with federal job cuts because 1) I don't have to face the voters again 2) I am rich beyond belief and 3) I just don't care."
We cannot afford this. I live in Virginia and this state is full of federal jobs. These folks are going to be at his door real quick. The job market is not that great here already. Way to go Youngkin. I hope you pull your head out of your ass before the people do.
Boycott Tesla's Taxis! Call your city and state law makers and transportation agencies! Tell them you don't want Tesla Taxis. Protest at your transportation agencies, city halls, etc.!
big ass Naval Base in Norfolk VA a onetime sailor who depended on our shore staff people to help maintain ship Readiness, this is utter boolshyte
Citizens need to let politicians know they are going to lose their cushy jobs if they don’t put a stop to DOGE, and tariffs, before he destroys the Economy.
And take all his money and assets. Con’s are all talk about working from the ground up. So why shouldn’t he? Is he lazy? Mr Youngboy is lazy and unamerican smh
If you lost your job, the Governor is inviting you over so you can cope. The address is 1111 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219, and the phone number is (804) 371-2642.
Ya'll should bring your Shovels, Rakes and Pitchforks to combat any resistance.
I’m a Northern Virginian and I refer to him as “Trumpkin” He ran on a lie and all the the mom’s in Southern Virginia lapped it up! Hate him… and he wants to run for President… nope!
If you lost your job, the Governor is inviting you over so you can cope. The address is 1111 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219, and the phone number is (804) 371-2642.
Ya'll should bring your Shovels, Rakes and Pitchforks to combat any resistance.
No in VA governors can only run for one term. VA constitution states that Governors cannot run consecutive terms. He’s out this November. Can’t come any sooner. He’s such an idiot.
WOW! Does he seriously not know how many Virginians work for the federal government?? He could have just stood up there with both middle fingers out instead of saying it out loud.
It's a simple equation. Tariffs increase inflation. Interest rates rise to slow inflation. Less money in the economy lowers demand for goods and services. Lower demand leads to higher unemployment, which will be exacerbated by these government cuts.
I’m sure the VA economy will be swell. With the federal government turning major responsibilities over to the states, like the Department of Ed and FEMA, this will certainly help.
I'm going to spam a little. Below is a link to a word doc I made on why it's important to occupy conservative spaces and echo chambers. What we permit we promote. I'm not asking you to engage but I am asking you to plant seeds. #dems #X #twitter #facebook
Hope he still thinks it’s fine when state revenue is down because of high unemployment in deep blue Northern Virginia. 🖕🏼 Literally still checking in on friends to see if they’ve gotten their jobs back.
They can “cope”. Did Trump run his campaign on “you’ll be able to somewhat cope with the many horrible things I’m going to do to you.”? No, I don’t recall that at any of the rallies.
He's of no use, obviously
Here’s his big VA accomplishment …
Also zero empathy for the chaos and disruption of people’s lives.
Gov. Redvest is awful.
They better be super careful, because they are playing with people’s lives and everyone isn’t going to take this lying down. Some people are at their wits end!
All of which operate basically like European c suite or really good union benefits packages.
And they need to be made Giuliani poor.
Then evicted.
And let’s also give them bad credit because they helped defraud America.
That would be communism.
as you get the other recording regarding epstein there is only 1 queston that matters. When russia was working with Trump in the 80s and 90s - did Russian intel back then get a copy of the taps.
We have testmony of the sex trump liked from epstein girls
If you want to cut jobs in Virginia, start with yours! You are already extremely wealthy, you can certainly “weather” the loss in pay. Stop selling out our great BLUE state to the traitors in the federal government.
And Northern Virginia has SPRAWLED in the last 20 years
Let’s go Va in Nov
Take back the mansion
Apply Lessons Learned!
Here in #Virginia, The 2025 Elections:
- Governor
- Lt Governor
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
Help Turn Virginia TOTALLY BLUE Again!
Expect, "UNDUE ATTENTION", to All these races!
One Step At A Time!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
Your oppression is their profession
Here’s something that’s easy for me to say: “Hey Youngkin, go fuck yourself!”
Ya'll should bring your Shovels, Rakes and Pitchforks to combat any resistance.
Ya'll should bring your Shovels, Rakes and Pitchforks to combat any resistance.
Result: Recession, orchestrated by a moron.
But Virginians are fucked.