Years ago somebody came up to me saying "Go Team Venture!" And I fully forgot that I was wearing the Spanikopita shirt until they said something and I left them with a meek "go team venture"
In 1998, my ex got me a PlayStation. I thought it was a child’s toy. However, determined to never be wrong, she kept buying me games I found uninteresting. Then, one day she brought home Metal Gear Solid, and I’ve been a gamer since that day…
Nothing wrong with being dorkish! I used to advertise blood donation and my law firm. These days I decorate my clothes and accessories with safety pins, scrungies, and occasionally an affiliation button. I don't wear overt brand apparel, but I do have Muppet and Marvel babies in tshirt form.
If it makes you feel any better, the last time someone mentioned they liked my bridges hat (From death stranding) my only reaction was to say "keep on keeping on"! Not realizing, based on his puzzled look, he had no idea what it was referencing, when in fact he just really loved bridges... lol.
You may be a "dork", but being passionate about something you enjoy is an incredibly admirable trait. Embrace your inner dork, let them shine and sparkle!!! This world is already so dark, your joy brings a spark of light to it. Don't ever stifle it!
"Nice, jacket. Where's it from?"
"It's mine"
Be proud
they all kick ass but, still, you didnt pick a bad one.