I'm a farm person though, so either is usually okay for me. But I also know most would prefer NOT an expired, but unprocessed bird... So my hope is for the way it would being her the most joy.
The only time I considered eating pheasant was when I accidentally hit one delivering in the cotswolds. They would just run right under the wheels at full speed like they were tired of life. Never did, I told some villagers where to find the one I'd hit though and they seemed pleased.
Then I realized that probably wasn't what you meant and I was sad.
Maybe a ham sandwich on rye?
Thanks babe, you're the best.
😅. Very, very, unprepared?
it didn't pay great but he used to take the carcasses to sell them on
so we'd regularly have pheasants hanging from a clothes line in the porch
everyone in the house at that time was a vegetarian