NFTs are environmentally bad, but he's never been a druggie/alcoholic/abuser that I've ever heard. Wil Wheaton too, he has been consistently a good lad as far as I know.
I really didn't make it textual, but there's a larger point that most everyone is going to have something about them that someone else might not like or find problematic. The problem isn't standards, it's that people can use those standards to hide their issues. That's on them, not us.
Understandable! But Gaiman, Cosby, Weinstein, etc, were not always known for their harms. They are now, of course, and we have the right to not engage with their work. But what about tomorrow? Who's next? Is it on us to curate and study every public persona for their righteousness?
Capote reviewed "The Twelve Caesars" a long time ago - it's good to read and answers the question "No". Power corrupts everyone, even people prepared for its moral corrosion.
One area Canada's politics are better- voting for party instead of person. I advocate for tiered-voting, to further hinder consolidated power.
FWIW- Everyone should be keeping an eye on Harper's money- he's trying to play oligarchy roulette here, too, with military/commercial ai "use" (targeting).
the review should be free and available - Derek Lowe referred to it in a blog post and it was available as a PDF. I have not actually read the book, though the review was positive and Capote wasn't a dummy.
Not only did he remain true to his ideals but he actually put a great deal of thought into how he could best use his power to help the most possible people. Very impressive person.
Do not admire or idolize. Learn from others, but always keep in mind that we are all really the same: hairless monkeys trying and failing to understand and survive an entire universe. No one has any secret truth or quality that makes them better or more valuable than you.
Frankly, every time I hear his name brought up, it's something that makes me love him more. Eg, his friendship with Ian McKellan, and the fact that sometimes you can't tell whether he, Patrick Stewart, is gay or straight. He's just that comfortable in his own skin.
Honestly I’m a subscriber to Descartes’ theory of ideas. Morality is the result of the collection of ideas a person has and reality is constructed through our minds. Fame and power can skew those as it’s unusual stimuli. Likely most of his work and world view is moral. But a few bad ideas tainted it
I'm not sure that people are inherently anything - they get feedback from their choices and model their potential surfaces accordingly. Power removes the feedback, and so their surfaces flatten - if their choices are like a ball bearing, they act more like a bearing on a table than on a contour map.
OK. I think I misunderstood - you were saying "Power reveals" (when someone is evil and has the power to indulge their evil, they will). I took what you said as meaning that everyone who acts ill with power was bad beforehand (that power couldn't corrupt someone). Sorry.
I think power can corrupt, but I can't personally see deciding that another vacation house would be nice... then actively making choices to make life objectively worse for others to achieve that. I like to think if I had more money than I could spend in a lifetime- I'd try to solve real problems.
I want to be comfortable but don't need to have or run everything; I would give money to others to make things better.
I think power and sex are less rational and twist people more easily. I also assume that lots of power means they don't have to think how vacation home makes life worse for others.
Power attracts bad people more than it does good ones, and vast fortunes make it hard to relate to anyone who isn't equally rich (and probably equally messed up). Plus if you can do anything whenever you want eventually you're going to be bored stiff with okay things and shift to not okay things.
FWIW- Everyone should be keeping an eye on Harper's money- he's trying to play oligarchy roulette here, too, with military/commercial ai "use" (targeting).
I think power and sex are less rational and twist people more easily. I also assume that lots of power means they don't have to think how vacation home makes life worse for others.