Given that online sources, many with questionable accuracy and reliability, has become the primary source of information for most people, it is critically important to emphasize the injury rampant disinformation is causing. See Steven Brill. The Death of Truth. 2024.
Yes, exactly! This is why it is important for all of us to keep speaking up. I blog on Medium, and I have had several other writers debating leaving because they don't want an online presence that could cause potential trouble. So sad.
This is such a relevant lesson, particularly in the age of the Internet and artificial intelligence, when there is a growing dissemination of online disinformation, with so many experiencing confirmation bias by staying in their digital silos regardless of their trustworthiness and reliability. ▪️
Stand out, while you still can... Below, Russian anti-war protester Alexei Gorinov with a sign that reads "Do you still need this war?"
All important points - but perhaps this is the key one?
Looking at history you see the people who oppose totalitarian regimes are often those on the margins of society, whereas those who collaborate are sometimes the very pillars of their community.
no billionaires or goons will solve anything - ONLY CALLING OUT THE TRUTH - and acting on it together ................... Cyprus, can you do the right thing?
“The Land of Propaganda is built on unanimity,” he said. “If one man says, ‘No,’ the spell is broken and public order is endangered.” — Ignazio Silone. Bread and Wine
It’s so sad that many well paid police officers voted for Trump. They believe in his tax cuts & DJT is a “Strong” leader.
Let’s hope they get a clear head soon.
yep: just as in Trump's first term the DoJ will NOT be checking on wayward local police - living in a state with a Red Gov. will not be conducive to one's health
I also truly wonder, if Trump does pardon the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, if he will go on to effectively bless their militia status as specially protected... and maybe even elevate them as his own Praetorian Guard. Would not be surprised if he'd prefer loyalty-oathed militia over Secret Service
Re: paramlitaries, I worry more about militarized ICE & other Federal LE agencies than the potential domestic use of the military, because unlike the military with its UCMJ, civilian law enforcement has NO standards of conduct and are effectively impossible to hold accountable for almost anything
As a retired atty (appellate crim law first as an ADA, then as a pub defender), I never lost sight of the importance of ethics. It was drilled into my head. Seems unfortunate that so many attys sold out, and employ tactics that are less than ethical to further causes that are anything but ethical💔
Amen - In a world w Tops & Bottoms in every community, Professions provide paths to the Middle for most.
When Dr's speak up @ womens health & teachers & librarians @ teaching truth & Clergy remind us of our humanity, these are paths to vigilance against tyranny.
I'm a Crown civil counsel in Ontario, working for the provincial government. No accident that we are CROWN counsel. It is an awareness that informs all our work: although instructions come from the political govt of the day, foremostly we serve the Crown and the constitutional order it anchors.
(Image reposted with ALT text)
Let truth be the guide.
Even catch phrases have consequences, especially now.
Looking at history you see the people who oppose totalitarian regimes are often those on the margins of society, whereas those who collaborate are sometimes the very pillars of their community.
Let’s hope they get a clear head soon.
Very few Americans ask - what happened to make them leave their homes, towns, villages to start with ..
We’ve exported military skills to some of the worst
This becomes particularly more germane during Trump’s second term, given that he’s surrounded by loyalists. ▪️
When Dr's speak up @ womens health & teachers & librarians @ teaching truth & Clergy remind us of our humanity, these are paths to vigilance against tyranny.