The good thing - it is not the first time(and not the second), and dictators ALWAYS start war between each other.
The bad thing - now it probably will be nuclear
"Here's hopping" writes the ignorant, well meaning, kool-aid drinking mother in Cynthia Voigt's Tillerman Cycle, one of which, "Dicey's Song" won the Newbery Medal. l The irony of that well-meaning, misspelled phrase sticks with me still. Here's hopping.
Unfortunately(?), nuke is simple, in current level of tech.
Most countries on the planet can make one. No one does becouse those who have nukes actively opposing it.
I believe that as a result of Trump's policies, we will soon see more countries developing their own nuclear weapons.
E.g. if South Korea can no longer rely on the US alliance, it would be foolish not to develop their own nukes to counter North Korea.
It will be the same as Hitlers pact with Stalin. They split the world in two. But the end goal was one government over everything. Then they both wanted to be the one ruler and couldn’t agree if Berlin or
Moscow would be the capital.
It hurts my brain constantly hearing about trump’s alleged intelligence and ability to play a strong man role as an American “patriotic” leader.
As much as we want to ignore him to retain our sanity, we have to pay attention and call him out consistently till he is removed.
What are the chances that a story will be written …
“The downfall of two thieves' empires over the war in Ukraine: Russia and the US,
a real world story…”
Of should it be three?
Obvious sphere-of-influence deal: Trump "gets" North America, Putin "gets" Europe. I suspect Putin's end goal is a European superstate under Russian domination, which would bring him to parity witn Xi.
🚨 Trump’s annexation plans just HAPPEN to align with Russian interests?!
💥 Coincidence – or is Trump FOLLOWING ORDERS from DICTATOR Putin?!
😡 Selling out America to a TYRANT?! THIS IS TREASON!
Are we going towards a 3 way world order as in USA, Russia and China? Is that the plan? Autocracy, kleptocracy and Dictatorship by these monstrous people? 450 million people in Europe will fight and unite against that. Canada and Mexico will be against that. USA in complete isolation.
But you don’t see Putin’s big picture! He wants Russia back the way it was and he wants it expanded from there. You don’t think he sees us as weak attack us. With the help of North Korea and China?!
As an American who is also a European I this is horrific. This country is so divided that it can’t get anything done. Not its leaders, not its people. It’s the end of the US era.
Writings on the wall are not the same as a definitive end.
The four years with Biden were a good run and comeback.
This is different - Putin is now on the inside.
Agreed that it is different this time. However, the Mueller report found indications of collusion, and our elected officials did not act with the sense of urgency or seriousness that was warranted. We had options to stop him before. It could have been Bidens legacy.
It’s ‘small dick syndrome.’ Trump can’t stand the fact Russia & China are bigger than the USA. So, he’s looked at a map & thought, ‘Hey, if we get Canada & Greenland we’ll be really bigly. The biggest. Looks kinda neat on a map too. So neat. Beautiful.’
I thought of that. Putin is really eyeing Canada's north as the ice melts a a root around the artic is becoming possible. Can replace Panama for northern hemisphere
I grew up in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada and as a child remember doing A-bomb drills, teachers made us sit in the hallway with our backs to the wall to tie our shoes.
I also remember watching B52s fly overhead from the nearby SAC base across the border.
The America I trusted then doesn't exist anymore.
I recently saw a somewhat different explanation which makes better sense of Panama. Basically RU gets UKR, we get CAN/GRN and PAN in our sphere of influence. CH gets TWN.
In such world of three bullying super powers there will never be peace. If not having to deal with insurgencies all the time, sooner or later one of the big Three will lust after something out of another's zone, and then you have the really big nuclear war. Also why not team up 2 vs 1? Cynical shit
This gangster who wants to annex Greenland (Denmark), Canada, and ‘reclaim’ the Panama Canal, welcomed the head of FIFA to the White House today. I don’t think a wannabe dictator who threatens the sovereignty of nations that are FIFA members should play host to soccer’s showcase competition.
FIFA have more moral value as Trump. They organized FIFA World Cup Dubai 2022 with 6500 dead workers in the construction/reform of Football Stadium. Obviously Trump has no moral
In Brazil World Cup 2014 there was 15 or 20 dead workers in the same issue. UEFA Ukraine/Poland 2012 have similar figures
Yes. And Putin played host to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, just around the time his ‘little green men’ invaded Crimea. Big sports events can be useful to authoritarian regimes.
There might be a change of plan. Looking at the UK press today it looks as if Homer Trump might have realised Putin isn’t a man of his word … dohhhh!
I recently re-read Tim Harris's Prisoners of Geography chapter on Russia, the sudden realisation dawned on me that the country with the most to gain from global warming is Russia. Whilst donning my tin foil hat, the push by the US for Canada and Greenland then made more sense.
I pointed this out as soon as Greenland was mentioned, and anticipated problems for Canada right away. My wife and a coworker thought I was crazy. It’s all happening though. If you don’t innately trust the social contract, this was borderline obvious. Greenland was a blatant tell.
Without question. Panama no longer allows Russian ships to pass thru. Putin has always wanted NATO out of Greenland and Canada controls the northern hemisphere. I’ve been screaming from the roof tops. Nobody hears me. Musk bought twatter for just this reason. Tfg stays out of prison. Putin gets paid
Yup. They will split their newly acquired territories right through Canada, probably following a line of latitude,like the 56th parallel....Trump isn't interested in where it's too cold.
I think this is a step too far. Greenland, perhaps: but not Canada, and certainly not the Panama Canal. The Monroe Doctrine is still a thing.
But who knows? Perhaps he might offer Putin Alaska, as an appetiser. Test the waters, as it were. See how that goes down with the average American patriot.
The rationale is that the real enemy is China, But I bet you $10 that when China will invade Taiwan, the US will have nothing to say. This is all an egregious exercice in malicious treason. It will not end well.
Trump is relentless in getting what he wants. Look how far he has come and where he is now. He even has near total immunity from prosecution and who is there that could prosecute him? He is clearly onto bigger things that would give unimagined leverage and power.
It's kind of a clear and present danger for us Canadians, too, and Greenlanders and Danes, Panamanians, Mexicans, and the whole world.
I think Canada should reverse our nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation policy, and develop our own nukes for deterrence against US and Russian aggression.
Pressuring congressional Republicans in a peaceful but loud, sustained manner—including constant protests outside all their state offices, not just in DC—and **voting them out** of power are the only way Trump will ever be impeached, convicted and removed.
The world cannot have a Russian asset in the White House. This is a certainty. He will turn military on protesters. We are beyond protesting. Action or occupation are the choices.
As a European moving to the USA in 2007, I was shocked to see the complete lack of awareness of what’s happening outside their bubble and their obsession with their own net worth. For some, nothing else matters
Ditto Ukrainian resource rights. I have zero doubt Trump’s got an under-the-table deal with Putin to preserve those agreements if/when Putin takes control - with a tidy profit for Trump.
They'll need all those minerals and oil to pay for the cost of combatting dormant bacteria (from melted tundra) and new viruses (from environmental destruction). Buildings collapsing into the ground and screwed up freshwater tables.
Food and water scarcity brought on by the gambling crypto con.
Following this through further, would part of the key here be that controlling shipping gives leverage over possible Europe-China trade alliance? I mean, aside from the territory and resource grab?
This is like when you were a kid and saw how obviously the continents on either side of the Atlantic fit together. And if you're old enough (pre-tectonic theory) you were told...nah, it's just random. And thus began the attempt to discredit the facts sitting in front of you.
And I suspect this has something to do with conspiracy theories. If you learn not to believe the obvious and simple truth, you start to cook up all sorts of things to make sense of the world. Don't quote me, just to of head, but I think there's something to it.
They annex together and share or partition up the annexed territories and/or resources. Much like Hitler and Stalin did with Poland. Until they fell out and all hell broke loose.
For all Trump's denying of climate change and the need to fight it, he seems pretty clear-eyed about the natural resources that will be made accessible as glaciers and permafrost melt, and the demand that the green transition will create for them.
I tend to think the billionaires who bought the US government (using Trump as a useful idiot) just want to secure minerals for their own private companies.
Putin (and Musk) helped get him elected in '16 & '24 so he owes him. Remember the week after Drump got elected in Nov, and Putin plastered naked pics of Melania all over Russian TV with a message saying "Don't forget the deal we made?" He owes Putin big time.
The world
run by tyrants.
Supported by oligarchs and chumps.
The bad thing - now it probably will be nuclear
Most countries on the planet can make one. No one does becouse those who have nukes actively opposing it.
E.g. if South Korea can no longer rely on the US alliance, it would be foolish not to develop their own nukes to counter North Korea.
Moscow would be the capital.
And here we sit isolated at the top of the Americas, sandwiched between the US to the south & west, and Russia in the Arctic.
As much as we want to ignore him to retain our sanity, we have to pay attention and call him out consistently till he is removed.
“The downfall of two thieves' empires over the war in Ukraine: Russia and the US,
a real world story…”
Of should it be three?
🚨 Trump’s annexation plans just HAPPEN to align with Russian interests?!
💥 Coincidence – or is Trump FOLLOWING ORDERS from DICTATOR Putin?!
😡 Selling out America to a TYRANT?! THIS IS TREASON!
“ Curious “
Do not try or bother to play nice with trumpers, they will not respond with kindness in return.
We are in this because, the trump gullible, believed a lying sack of shit.
The four years with Biden were a good run and comeback.
This is different - Putin is now on the inside.
He’s an infant.
Trump will do anything for VVP.
I also remember watching B52s fly overhead from the nearby SAC base across the border.
The America I trusted then doesn't exist anymore.
*not trump obviously, but those backing him.
In Brazil World Cup 2014 there was 15 or 20 dead workers in the same issue. UEFA Ukraine/Poland 2012 have similar figures
If you thought the Panama Canal was big money... The Northwest Passage is a kajillion times bigger.
Canadians yelling this too!
This not a practice drill!
Red blaring siren 🚨!
But who knows? Perhaps he might offer Putin Alaska, as an appetiser. Test the waters, as it were. See how that goes down with the average American patriot.
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
He’s not joking.
It’s not trump being trump -an idiot.
Take him seriously.
It makes sense now, doesn’t it?
I think Canada should reverse our nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation policy, and develop our own nukes for deterrence against US and Russian aggression.
Rs are either complicit or too craven to.
Food and water scarcity brought on by the gambling crypto con.
Am I being that thick?
Well, except for Panama...
But I don‘t. It is 700 km from my Austrian home to Ukraine. Just Hungary between.
It has to stop. Canada and EU still standing - have to be stronger!
Someone was whispering in his ear.
The Global Warming Accelerationists are carving out their own personal geopolitical zone
Just cross the Artic!
Charge everyone for passage.
No need to go through places that might have a red warrant with their name on it.
#Felon47 can go suck an overpriced egg!
We're so blind it's pathetic.