Just going to repost my essay "Decapitation Strike" from November. We are living through it now.
Watch troop movements. US strike against Iran in process?
I agree:
"There is also a history of engineered regime change and deliberate state destruction. In both histories, five key zones are health, law, administration, defense, and intelligence.
But it ain't who you think it is:
That’s the mantra, that’s their MO
Discuss and debate and protest all you want. This is the way to end it, Italian style
It is a mistake to think of these Trump people as flawed. It is not they will do a bad job in their assigned posts. It is that they will do a good job using those assigned posts to destroy our country.
Today I'm happy not to see the violence of the Nazis in US politics. But I won't ask about the internal surrender of a state any longer.
No, we don’t have a Holocaust (yet), but the idea is present in MAGA minds.