3/7. Russia rejects any talk of such a ceasefire, and instead asks for a halt on strikes on energy targets, an area where Ukraine is hurting Russia. The US agrees and Ukraine agrees.
4/7. Russia within one day violates the terms of its own proposal, attacking Ukrainian energy infrastructure along with other civilian targets. There is no US response.
5/7. Meanwhile Russia insists that the United States enforce on Ukraine Russia’s war aims, even though they are outrageous and even though Russia is not winning the war. The US agrees.
7/7. This has not been a peace process. It has not even been appeasement. It has been the US throwing its power on Russia’s side in a war of aggression.
Trump won't be honest about where all the money the US allocated to Ukraine actually went. Most of it stayed home and paid US defense contractors that produce weapons.
🙏 for your work and support of Ukraine. I feel less ignorant every time I read you.
Just started "The Road to Unfreedom". Altogether deeply disturbing, as if you could guess today's fall of the US into autocracy, and profoundly helpful to understand these frightening times.
If the US is planning to take their hands off of Europe, which they are, they have nothing, zero, nada to demand here in Europe. They are nothing more then money grabbers and an embarrassment to humanity.
You are not wrong. I would add dangerous to embarrassment. We are a dangerous embarrassment, we have never lived up to our founding documents and never will. I genuinely thought we had made so much more progress, but I was delusional. This election taught me that.
Unlike most people here, as an American you are far from powerless. There are a lot of things you can do. Protest, call and email you senator about issues, join a political campaign, hold them accountable at town halls, etc.
Turn that sick feeling and embarrassment into action.
Just to make sure. Most of us in a democracy should hold politicians accountable and we should not wait till it gets as bad as it is in the US. None of us, especially not as part of a collective, are powerless.
Indeed. Even the French do not run from a fight when it is with their government.
PS:while the comment is somewhat in jest. The part of them fighting their government is not. Both past and present. Learn from them. They even gave you have a whole ass statue to remind you that you had a spine once.
You are not powerless!! Just look at the Ukrainians or Syrians or any other people fighting for their rights and freedom and dignity. We are just no longer used to really fight for it. We need to rediscover our bravery and strength.
Good reminder, and I am. I have been working to stop the madness since 2019. Come to our No Kings — Then or now event with Heather Cox Richardson, Rep. Jamie Raskin, and Ma Atty Gen Andrea Campbell. April 16.
So much for the genius dealmaker Trump. He gets screwed over by every vegetable huckster. Don't even get me started on the minerals deal; it's hard to beat in terms of deviousness.
Trump has never been anything else than a School Bully. What he thinks of as "deals" is either blackmail or him beeing handed a bad deal without even realising it...
#SlavaUkraini🇺🇦 #HeroyamSlava🇺🇦 Cyrillic #СлаваУкраїні🇺🇦 #Героямславаhas🇺🇦 English #GlorytoUkraine🇺🇦 #GlorytotheHeroes🇺🇦 are salutes and rallying cries against the Russian invasion and war crimes against Ukraine🇺🇦! #IStandWithUkraine🇺🇦 Please join freedom loving people who #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 #Zelensky🇺🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇪🇺🇺🇳🇫🇷
Oh I'm angry, and I'm doing something about it. I donating 10% of my income for the next four years to NPOs that hire lawyers to file lawsuits against these Nazis, and I'm always encouraging others to do the same.
Exactly, since the American demands are so immense, they will be refused and the American side will say that Ukraine is blocking any false negotiations and will hold Ukraine responsible rather than Russia.
For context the Daily Telegraph is a right wing newspaper which formerly supported Agent Orange until it became clear he's a clear and present danger to European security
Ukraine needs to keep US intelligence for the time being, but I can anticipate discussions are in the works to replace us aid and to replace starlink with other systems. This will take time. I do not see a peace deal ever materializing. Trump will have to flee the US within 6 months time.
So the Telegraph being "notoriously right wing/ populist partisan" somehow makes its reporting that the "minerals deal" the US is trying to impose on Ukraine is "holding a gun to the head of [Zelensky]" is untrustworthy? Huh? I sure as heck hope you're a bot rather than having to live with that.
Just keep in mind that USA will become powerless in both Middle-East & Africa when Europe shuts down Ramstein & Aviano.
(doesn't even have to be government-instigated (risking retaliation), thousands of civilians overrunning the base will do)
Even less intrusive (retaliation-provoking) would be a mass civil sit-in on the outside, blocking all entrances, *and* blocking/tampering the fuel pipelines (there is an entire network of NATO fuel pipelines in Europe).
(substitute by air is not really possible/sustainable, unlike food)
In 2016, Putin picked our president. In 2024 he helped do it again. What if Trump's plan is to give Ukraine to Putin, take Panama and Greenland for himself, and let the Chinese have Taiwan?
I think its actually Putin’s plan. Get the US to conquer Canada Panama, Greenland, Mexico, and cause damage to Europe while destroying it’s own democracy. Russian oligarchs enter the US on golden visas and take direct control of North and Central American and the Arctic while invading Europe.
IMO this is THE plan, only no academic or person of weight is saying it out loud as there is no provable evidence while all Trump admin activities point in that direction.
Right wing extremists would have lit a huge soc media bonfire out of this long ago. Dems are too nice.
🙏 thanks. Americans (including myself) may not have all of this tick tock but good Americans (including myself) know in their bones 1)we are getting played 2) w/Trumps appeasement- we are siding with a bully and harming innocent freedom loving Ukrainians #standwithukraine
It is simply a disgusting attempt to steal something from a country fighting to survive having be unjustly attacked by a bully. We in Canada can relate.
I’ve heard you’re coming to Canada? 🇨🇦 If so, welcome! Bienvenue! If you’re ever on Vancouver Island, your friends at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Victoria will be thrilled to see you. Thanks for all you do. 🇺🇦
#Trump has turned #UnitedStates into a mafia state and a #RussianVassalState in two short months
#TrumpExtortion #UnitedStatesPutinsOblast #TrumpGOPBetrayedUkraine #TrumpIsPutinsBitch
May I screenshot the 7 and share them on my other platforms? I don't know anyone here, I just get a more accurate view of what is going on so I come here to see the uncensored truth.
What sucks worse is having to relive that era today, especially for holocaust survivors! Clearly fascism and Nazism was fully eradicated so we have to do a better job this time round so #NeverAgain actually means #NeverAgain
It never is fully eradicated because you have to defeat them first and then argue against their views for generations, and it still comes back as soon as enough people were raised without attention to the matter.
agents get formally trained. djt has literally been used, so in this way is a RU asset. he's so easily manipulated with that fragile & needy ego, all anyone has to do is dangle flattering praise of his brilliance & promises of wealth, fame, & power. not even a need to pierce his nose for the ring.
applying psychology and occam's razor, manipulating malleable minds is the KGB specialty. why invest in training an agent when you can so easily get what you want just by manipulating the rube? it motivates their entire intel program; they know they'll never beat US militarily, so simply brainwash.
oh agree, but Ukraine military need some intelligence that the USA provides
The felon has messed that up after the meeting and it cost lives
Ukraine president knows he has to walk a fine line until other solutions come forward
Ukraine people will not forget this though j/s
No, what they really need is to get their best negotiators to basically play for as much time as they can. They won't get any aid from this administration anyway. The longer there's a chance of getting Ukraine's wealth the longer sanctions stay on Russia and off Ukraine, which Trump clearly hates.
I think that's what they're doing right now. Playing Trump so he can't pull the pin on them. Keeping America out of the war rather than on Russia's side.
Have you written , or will you be writing, anything that explains why you are leaving for Toronto and what the average American should be watching for in terms of making a similar move?
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been PSYCHOPATH Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped w/in the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’S Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Just the three Bs: Bullying, Blackmail and Bribery.
Trump is unfit. Surely there are enough who would agree his behavior is erratic. What does it take to invoke the 25th Amendment?
Fuck these disgusting monsters. Just... fuck them all. They don't deserve anything even remotely good in life, ever.
Just started "The Road to Unfreedom". Altogether deeply disturbing, as if you could guess today's fall of the US into autocracy, and profoundly helpful to understand these frightening times.
Turn that sick feeling and embarrassment into action.
PS:while the comment is somewhat in jest. The part of them fighting their government is not. Both past and present. Learn from them. They even gave you have a whole ass statue to remind you that you had a spine once.
Try it and adopt it !
Tested in France several times...
It works !
Elle tient un fusil...
Chez nous, même les enfants le connaissent.
A paint by numbers Russian disinformation campaign. 😡📌
Trump and Putin getting into a pissing contest would be great for the world at large.
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Russian gaslighting and lies
It was inevitable that Trump would concede to Putin.
He probably thinks Putin will repay the favour over Greenland
Meanwhile, here are 2 extracts from today's NYT article.
Here's the link to the full Telegraph article:
There is no peace unless Putin withdraws from Ukraine and a European military force is stationed in Ukraine.
Putin lies and breaks agreements.
So does Trump.
Ukraine cannot trust US or Russia.
(doesn't even have to be government-instigated (risking retaliation), thousands of civilians overrunning the base will do)
And/or: Signal-command=dead.
(substitute by air is not really possible/sustainable, unlike food)
Right wing extremists would have lit a huge soc media bonfire out of this long ago. Dems are too nice.
Pariah state ➡️ next...
Failed state ➡️ finally...
Too late 🆘 No state
#TrumpExtortion #UnitedStatesPutinsOblast #TrumpGOPBetrayedUkraine #TrumpIsPutinsBitch
Powered by @skywriter.blue
Not sure how long I will stay in the US. Most of us here are fucking stupid and ignorant.
Then again, the US DID inspire the Nazis in certain key ways before we entered the War, sadly.
kind regards from Germany
It's time for a new world's leader.
Strong, and responsible.
Fools think otherwise, the results speak for themselves.
The USA can keep the new name, „Golf of America“, and Ruzzia gets the rest.
„I‘m a very stable genius. The best genius of all times. And the best deal maker. There’s never been a better deal maker in the history of mankind.“
The felon has messed that up after the meeting and it cost lives
Ukraine president knows he has to walk a fine line until other solutions come forward
Ukraine people will not forget this though j/s
Yes. It will happen. Later is better.
anyone think Russia would honor an agreement?
Only a fucking moron enters into talks with them, the way the US led by the Fucking Moron have done.
Just enjoy your life while it lasts. No way you are smart enough to survive whats coming next.
Trapped w/in the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’S Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.