The comments from Bankstown hospital workers are abhorrent and have no place in our society. It is entirely appropriate that this has been referred for investigation.
Public hospitals are a place where everyone should be safe.
Public hospitals are a place where everyone should be safe.
Defending these two vile pieces of shit is abhorrent
Don't be shy, show your evidence.
Has comprehension always been an issue for you, or is it new?
Consider the context. At least one of those nurses is said to have had family members killed in Palestine. By Israelis.
What upside down world do you live in?
There is no place in Australia for antisemitism.
There is no place in Australia for radical extremists to threaten violence and death to other Australians, just because they are Jewish.
There, I fixed it for you.
You’re a bigot, and an oxygen thief. Resign
When Israel stops it'd genocide - if it ever does - the blowback will subside