Now on top of the negative externalities on people’s power, water, air, and global climate, we have another: the ceding of more & more control over critical energy & water infrastructure to Silicon Valley. I wrote about this last week in 14/
That and that Trump Nat'l GC is in LA.
Yes. This is a false trade off. Let that sink in. 16/
(All will pay higher prices. If the producer is spending more 💲 on production, cost will be passed on & consumers will spend more on consumption)
OpenAI is snakeoil. They define success by how much revenue they can generate, not whether the product is good or whether it meets scientific or technical criteria. Ergo, snakeoil.
We all know it’s a lie. And here we sit watching our climate worsen.
Because how do we successfully fight billionaires and their lies.
How can anyone not see this as what it is: "Sorry you can't afford to own a home, we had to beat China in the race to develop a better plagiarism app" Ouch!
Plus, a breakthrough in *thinking* about the problem, like Deep Think has shown, just more revolutionary.
Can you also report on blockchain cryptocurrency data mining?
So many stand alone facilities masquerading as "data centers".
If you want DeepSeek to perform better, you need a better LLM and you're back to wasting water, greenhousing the atmosphere, and using tons of power.
Which people refuse to do.
Great lesson in efficiency, but this is just overblown.