I think part of the goal is a demonstration of his punitive power. He is showing he can punish wide swaths of the public at the stroke of a pen, to train people in fear and submission.
Reposted from
Shay Stewart-Bouley
If indeed SNAP ends up being impacted (remember, he flip-flops), it's about to get so real in this country.
makes his p***s feel.
carry out some form of direct action
then get concessions
He did that crap ~just now w/ Columbia- I wish their prez would have told turmp to F off!
He did that with China 2018 re tariffs
What did China do?
Courtesy of trump, China is now in the Western Hemisphere- immediately after the tariff wars, China cancelled US ag contracts- corn & soy. $28+ BILLION in taxpayer $$ went to bribe the farmers for lost export sales.
It gets WORSE
China invests in Brazil & Argentina to build alternative to US corn & Soy. Now being exported to China.
China also $$ in Venezuelan sweet crude- export to ? China
China ALSO drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba / aka coast of Florida
Look up the criteria for Narcissism in the DSM-5 !!!