I was wondering what this would be, considering that Macross already has amazing transforming toys, but "slightly Kawamori'd Optimus Prime with a guitar" wasn't on my card. It's a dumb and slightly wasteful idea but I don't hate it?
This was absolutely what I thought it would be (optimus + instrument/music theme) though (and I'm not sure why) I never would've thought they'd let Prime be a valk
Personally I wish this had been an original character (or a cheeky Jetfire), there's just something off about taking a design that's already famously a transforming robot and have it turn into Optimus Prime instead.
Wait this is official right? Admittedly I’m actually surprised we’re getting this before Fire Guts. Like I feel like this is that rare black redeco that’s not as well remembered/known
Nucleon Quest Super Convoy and Fire Guts God Ginrai both came out pretty close in time to each other, and were both store exclusives, so it was really a coin toss. I think the black repaint is a more "safe" bet.
I would normally agree but I do feel like Fire Guts is the more well known redeco and would be the safer one because of that.
Granted Takara’s unpredictable sometimes with this; I was fully certain we’d get Black Rodimus some years back and we got Rebirth Hot Rod instead
Fire Guts is more infamous maybe but I don't think people knowing about it means its guaranteed to make sales. It's a pretty weird colour scheme! On the other hand black repaints are consistently popular.
I don't need it.
I don't need it.
Not doing a great job convincing myself.
Granted Takara’s unpredictable sometimes with this; I was fully certain we’d get Black Rodimus some years back and we got Rebirth Hot Rod instead