martin's design is pretty graphic so i imagine when i animate him in a scene he'll mostly be cheated to camera with stuff like his hair and cheek tufts (like mickey mouse's ears!) but i still wanted to try rotating the design as an exercise
Even with those asides about cheats, I feel like moving his hair and cheek floof a little isn’t anything that wouldn’t work in 3D, especially in comparison to Mickey’s ears doing that spinny thing. Much easier to translate even if he’s got those “graphic” shapes, y’know? Hair and fur is flexible
there's hints if you scrub through! the 4 darkest drawings are the keyframes i started with. i inbetweened those and the new drawings (the second darkest) made me re-evaluate and tweak the originals. i repeated that for the rest! it's all by eye and there's a lot i'd fix if i knew it'd pop off xD
[facetious] GAWDAMMIT! Do you have ANY idea how long it took me to glue down that weasel's rotater!? Now it won't sun properly! We'll have an un-sunned weasel!
Looks great :)
It looks like a 3D model!
But in all seriousness, this ROCKS. I'm blown away by how smooth it is! Excellent work!
Watch the video in the corner of your eye
It goes like triple speed
Also this is amazing work
Fr tho this piece is awesome!!