So long as they get to "pawn the libs" and destroy the "morally corrupt liberals" I think they'd set themselves on fire if Trump told them it would hurt them. These people are mentally unhinged and have zero ability to think for themselves.
Yes trump can!
Rump convinced them to accept higher prices, loosing jobs, loosing properties and recession for a while, could be the next 4 to 8 years. They agreed and gladly accepted what he said.
Rump certainly can fix stupid. 🤷♂️
While I agree with your premise, I have to point out that criticizing stupidity while using poor grammar isn’t a great look. Just something to consider.
Valuable information. If you've ever tried to enlighten someone, teach, help them be more aware, bring them to a point of understanding, with no results. Know that some people can not be brought to understanding. It's a literal wall. All the reason in the world will not bring them to understanding.
We have some fragile people in our society. They do not rely on reason. Doorknob: A person who goes along with whoever is the dominating figure in a group is called a doorknob because they turn in the direction of whoever manages to get their attention.
Only memories that benefit their obsession with hating anyone who doesn't agree with their ideas, beliefs and ways.
They can't remember J6 or all the core values of what it meant to be an American, but they never forget to cry about "words/phrases" because they hate equal benefits and coexistence.
This is great but we are in an echo chamber... Preaching to the choir.
We need to reach these nincompoops with this truth.. but also close down X
Actually you CAN fix stupid -- it's education. This aggressive stupidity isn't just stupidity, it's a frothy and intractable blend of ignorance, haughtiness, vicious cruelty, and hate for anything outside their comfort zone.
You can fix fucking stupid with good education, but tea party, Fox, and MAGA has torched respect for education. Dems have been complicit by equating job task training with education. It’s not.
Everybody needs a good education. To learn to think. To learn how to identify and ignore fake news and propaganda. To be flexible as jobs change. To be resilient in hard times.
I agree. MAGA is a cult and it's members have been brain-washed. It's like meeting someone that has been with the "Moonies" cult. They are changed and don't seem to understand any logic or common sense anymore. Dear leader is the only thing real to them.
The Trump cult is full of gullible, smooth brained, knuckle dragging, rubes. They cannot think for themselves, and just parrot anything the tangerine tub o’lard says.
People complain that dems are elitist but even if one breaks it down to these idiots in a way a child would understand and still they believe that what is happening is something good for the country then they are a just a waste of life
I'm reminded that most Germans didn't start apprehending they were in a world of "scheisse" until after the loss of two hundred thousand men at Stalingrad in early 1943.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “ post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you madam 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 (Informative/Truth + no you cannot fix stupid categories)
Try reasoning with one of these morons. trump has now convinced them that paying higher prices on everything is now patriotic.
Seriously, I've been shaking my head so hard I believe I've knocked the earth's rotation from it's axis.
If... you think this will work the third time... I might have to question YOUR intelligence. There is no fuck way in hell he's getting impeached. Never. He's not going to prison. No hero is coming to save you.
Instead, people have to do something real to stop this.
The United States of America has the most lenient gun laws in the world and yet this MOFO is still screaming lie after lie while we watch our economy, education, trade, military, industrial complex collapse due to an ego driven maniac who will never realize WE see them!
When Jim Jones followers started dropping dead around them, followers still continued to drink. I'm afraid some people have just swallowed too much of the Kool aid to be redeemed.
Oh, they are that fucking stupid. They open their mouth every day and stupid falls out like water! They prove that every fucking time they open their mouth.
Really, celebrate not having everything you need. A paycheck, safe food, eggs for breakfast, vaccines to keep you healthy, cheap clothing you like and safe place to raise a family.
I mean you *could* educate it, but we don't spend money on that. Instead we have a giant ass military to invade Greenland or whatever his folly is this second.
There is a theory among non cult historians that Saul was an agent of Rome sent to promote an imaginary prophet whose preachings were about submission to early powers for rewards in heaven. It is quite obvious that this is the message of the NT.
Hit a bible scholar with the theory sometime, they lose their shit.😂 Look up Thijs Voskuilen and Rose Mary Sheldon they authored a paper on it, along with many others.
Fascinating how inflexible the mind becomes when it's fed a constant diet of misinformation designed to reinforce a totally false narrative. America's hard right media has brainwashed millions of people into acting wholly against their own interests.
It's like the whole party has weaponized this, along with the jealousy of experts who do know how things work... to just spread shit all over everything.
We think the magas are worth more per hour, we think they deserve labor union protections, health and retirement benefits as well as safe working conditions and, you guessed it, the magas fucking hate us for it.
The magas prefer voting for the elites who think they’re all lazy entitled rural bums!
Yes and while we are at why don’t some of them including musk put on a pair of Nikes and purple robes, maybe there’s a comet out there about to take them to mars🤞🏻
And to buy a Tesla! Although they can't afford eggs, they should support poor Elon because his feelings are hurt because his stock price is down.
And sadly, some of them will go buy Teslas that they can't afford.
Stupid, yes! But more like getting led by the nose to a slaughter. What is wrong with Americans, are we this impotent that we allow just a few people to destroy what for nearly three hundred years we have secured with the blood of so many?
Yep, they are evil. But we haev others we can turn out. We don't need to convince the other side. We can't-- they are evil, racist, and scum fuck cockroaches.
Not even duct tape can fix this ignorance! But a Lobotomy can- and I know 7 that need it now: Trump, Musk, Bobert, Taylor Green, Hawley, Robert Kennedy, Jr., and lastly, Linda MacMahon!
Want to do something to help flip the house? Volunteers are needed asap to phone bank prior to the Florida special election on April 1st.
We can make a difference!!
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It's always been about hurting the brown people, the gay people, the trans people, anyone not a white 'christian' male. All else was smoke being blown up our asses by the oligarch-owned MSM.
Never forget
Rump convinced them to accept higher prices, loosing jobs, loosing properties and recession for a while, could be the next 4 to 8 years. They agreed and gladly accepted what he said.
Rump certainly can fix stupid. 🤷♂️
They can't remember J6 or all the core values of what it meant to be an American, but they never forget to cry about "words/phrases" because they hate equal benefits and coexistence.
We need to reach these nincompoops with this truth.. but also close down X
You really can't.
Seriously, I've been shaking my head so hard I believe I've knocked the earth's rotation from it's axis.
Instead, people have to do something real to stop this.
Our biggest challenge has disappeared.
I have yet to hear another immigrant is eating cats and dogs in Springfield.
Doesn't that count for something?
Not everything has fucked up in the last 8 weeks.
How can one country contain so many nihilistic shitweasels?
Promises of treasure post mortem removes the desire to improve the here n now.
Look how easily millions in America treat the Mango Mussolini like a god.
A cult is a cult is a cult.
"Four legs good, two legs better".
Inflation good, recession better....
The magas prefer voting for the elites who think they’re all lazy entitled rural bums!
He literally resigned nafta and they all cheered.
And sadly, some of them will go buy Teslas that they can't afford.
But, they'll let any butt-reaming asshole cast a ballot.
We just build up our forces.
We can make a difference!!
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