If water didn't expand when frozen, it's likely the Earth's climate would strongly resemble Hoth's from Star Wars. Sinking ice would accumulate in deep waters, massively increasing the number of cold pools and making it exponentially harder to melt accumulated ice.
I'll have to mull it over while drinking my recreational poison produced by domesticated pathogens for the purpose of grain preservation and leisure (which arguably lead to the rise of civilization itself)
Wonder what kind of species could survive that environment... *sips beer*
there are 2 species of bird, the Ruppel's Vulture and Common Crane that have been recorded flying above the 10Km altitude that corresponds to the 0.25atm pressure at which steam pressure is <150F sterilization temperature.
Both those flight were OVER the Himalayas, so since there is no land surface on earth that high all the land dwellers on this planet are safe from being unable to boil water to sterility.
Killing pathogens would be a minor thing evolution could adapt to. Pressure would also impact insect flight, thus pollination; weather patterns; osmosis at the celular level; etc.
If water didn't expand when frozen, it's likely the Earth's climate would strongly resemble Hoth's from Star Wars. Sinking ice would accumulate in deep waters, massively increasing the number of cold pools and making it exponentially harder to melt accumulated ice.
I read that field guide so much I had to buy a second copy because I beat up my 1st one a bit too much as a kid.
so yeah, your 2nd answer I guess
My mind is going more prehistoric or scifi
A pickle planet
apex pickle predator
I'll have to mull it over while drinking my recreational poison produced by domesticated pathogens for the purpose of grain preservation and leisure (which arguably lead to the rise of civilization itself)
Wonder what kind of species could survive that environment... *sips beer*
It would just be a change to the pattern of natural selection pressures, is all.