When I had three cats our vet said Esb and Mole were a pleasure to see but Morris was a mad arsehole and I had to hold him because the nurses all had scars from his previous visits. Once he'd been sedated and I had to get him from the recovery room because no-one would touch him when he was awake
I hope to receive such feedback when I take the boys to their vet on Thursday… my sweet boy Ted was once labelled as a fractious kitty and we were all very upset (vet staff were sad because he is always lovable except that one trip)… he has been good since
The vet always tells me my fluffy void is a very good boy and won't believe me when I explain he's a dick at home. (He's still a very good boy, but he's an evil drama-stirrer with all the other pets)
One of my cats (she passed a few years ago) who was very nice at home had a note written in red sharpie on her patient folder: caution patient aggressive
Seemed like any time this one spent time at the vet when I'd go to pick him up he'd be lounging around the office cause "he's too sweet to keep caged away"
Always nice to hear! Out internist told last us she wished all cats were as easy to work with as one of ours, and it's such a nice thing to hear. Especially since our other girl is 100% the opposite at the vet...
When my mom took our oldest to the vet for the check up once, the vet only saw his small head and thought he was small. This was quickly corrected as soon as he stepped out of the pet taxi.
My longest-lived cat Gerka was a wonderful patient. The techs told him "you can come back anytime" lol.
His brother Sal was a guard-cat & got in lots of scrapes w/lots of vet visits, would start growling when we pulled in the parking lot lol.
He never did anything and vet teased "You're all talk" 😂
So good to see! Meanwhile Ceefa was there getting notes when inpatient last year like "she's definitely recovering, we can hear her growling from across the surgery"! (Ceefa is a nervous cat who goes into complete terror when handled/at the vets. Getting her there is...a whole thing).
Image of said cat:
His brother Sal was a guard-cat & got in lots of scrapes w/lots of vet visits, would start growling when we pulled in the parking lot lol.
He never did anything and vet teased "You're all talk" 😂
But when the reviews are good, that's just fine.
it’s just science