my mom called it knitting. she used to wash sweaters in woolite and then put them on a towel on her bed to dry. our cat would come up and start knitting and licking and nursing on the drying sweater, purring and chirping like crazy, and left this wet spot on it. lol
Although it's in B&W I'm sure from the density the grass is really a lush green. There's nothing better than making Fescue (possibly Bermuda) biscuits on a sunny day.
There's a type of ginger cat called a red-on-blue that has a greyish cast over it, but I think it might just be the lighting in your pic. Adorable cat regardless
It's all part of the plan. This is Patty indoctrinating Jean from a young age into the world domination movement. Jean grew up to be a lawyer specialising in furthering the interests of Moggy Power.
#makingbiscuits sounds like something else entirely!
*checks notes*
…almost everybody vaccinated their kids because they had seen more than enough suffering and death.