We're Making Fox Great Again
The only Fox News you should be listening to.
"If they pounced to the north-east, they killed on 73% of their attacks; if they jumped in the opposite direction,,,, 60%. In all other directions, only 18% of their pounces were successful".
Nat Geo
The only Fox News you should be listening to.
"If they pounced to the north-east, they killed on 73% of their attacks; if they jumped in the opposite direction,,,, 60%. In all other directions, only 18% of their pounces were successful".
Nat Geo
I'm a yes to that!
"Foxes have what’s called radical pair-forming photopigments located in their eyes which means they may see the magnetic field as a pattern on top of what they're already seeing". https://www.kpax.com/news/a-wilder-view/a-wilder-view-how-animals-use-earths-magnetic-field#:~:text=The%20fox%20uses%20the%20earth%27s,what%20they%27re%20already%20seeing.
NO we are not Faux News
We were playing with the vernacular and saying we're going to take back the term Fox and make it great again by posting info about actual foxes.
Let's try and keep it light people
It can't be all doom and gloom
#blackfox #silverfox
You got lucky on that one. I bet every photographer in 100 miles was hoping to catch that shot.
Saw two fox the other day
Very cool fox pic too. Looks as if you caught a rare one!
Redstone and Marble areas are cool too!
It still beautiful but no longer the same.
Actually, no, that isn't the question the article brought to mind. I'm left wondering what advantage magnetic alignment gives to the animals.
It's been shown that sharks ALSO use electromagnetic fields, and hammerhead sharks' heads are DESIGNED FOR THIS PURPOSE, so they might want to have a word.
OTOH, NE would be [mostly] orthogonal for both predator and prey wind. Neither would be scenting, so predator could use vibrations and prey is stuck.
After reading about hearing asymmetry for precise directional targeting (owls) ima go with better hearing due to breeze.
But hard to ignore that shadow but AM PM?
It could also depend on the general slope of the terrain where the study was done, but that wouldn't explain why pouncing in the opposite direction had the 2nd highest success rate.
Handedness (dominant side)
That's also why we make great navigator.
They steal bread sometimes but are otherwise excellent reporters. 🩵
I GUARANTEE that this news about a beloved species DID NOT appear on FOX-666 Propaganda Network.
If you had bothered to read the post, you would have probably noticed it was about four-legged foxes.
This is information about actual living foxes, which are FAR superior to that BS network.
And then a step to the right"
Pounce on misinformation though
That is not ever going to be funny again until Trump drops fucking dead!
there's a few more cute fox pics in the comments :)
And have you seen a Fennec?!? (Obviously not in your neck of the woods, but they're awesome!) Damn they're cute!
A fox's prey usually tries to escape in a northeasterly direction, but if that's unavailable, it turns to the opposite direction, which is southwest.
Only if both are blocked will prey head either northwest or southeast, depending on whether they're right or left pawed.😏
I’ve been called a foxy lady
a few times but never sure if the men saying it meant it as a compliment or a joke or insult 🤷♀️
We are so lucky to witness the beauty all around us? Mother Earth is fighting back now - she’ll win!
Foxes & all will be free
of despotic humanity 🦊