Apologies for posting so often but there's so much going on. The personal stories coming out are gut wrenching and deserve to be heard.
Ranger Gibbs is one of them.
Ranger Gibbs is one of them.
Now will come the heart breaking stories of more people dying because they're lost in the National Parks and there are no rangers to help find them and no helicopters to search overhead either.
Keep up the good work.
Words fail me.
I hope you will find a comparabel job in the US soon!
They can't remain nameless, faceless statistics if we're going to reach people's hearts and minds.
We must continue to Resist and speak out against this dangerous administration.
These are usually full time career people that love what they do and have a great interest in it.
All of the park Rangers are what makes the Parks educational, helpful and enjoyable. Our kids learn so much from them!
Interviewer: You're one of the hardest working, most qualified people I've ever talked to!
Ranger: Thank you.
Int: We only need your employment records and supervisor contact.
Ranger: All records were deleted. All supervisors were fired, location unknown.
Int: Next!
And I am sooooo grateful we went to Yellowstone last year. When the world was ‘normal’.
This is the GOP.
They know that J6 MAGA were not capable (even though those folks prepared for this) so they assume we’re not either
We all need to nonviolent protesting in the millions, boycott and divest, they think they have already won but they don’t know who we are at all
Holding space for you, keeping fire in my belly, and still, even after all this needless destructive chaos, grasping hope for us all.
In gratitude and solidarity.